News within our network can be found here.

Congratulations to Forget Me Not Chorus and Cardiff and Vale Health Charity - A&B Cymru awards winners!

Date: 11/07/2024


The 29th Arts & Business Cymru Awards 2024 took place at ICC Wales on Thursday 4th July and the black-tie ceremony revealed the winners of ten prestigious awards.

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Creatively Minded at the Theatre – join the Baring Foundation for the launch of a new report

Date: 11/07/2024


Come and hear more by joining us 12 September at 2pm for a short online launch of the report.

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Create for Confidence: Call for Research

Date: 09/07/2024


The University of Bristol's 'Create for Confidence' project are currently carrying out a systematic review around the effectiveness of art interventions in schools to support young people's mental health. 'Create for Confidence' are looking for organisations involved in art and mental health work in schools to put forward relevant research that can be included in our review.

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Mae 'Camu i Mewn' yn penodi 4 mentai ar gyfer rhaglen beilot

Date: 24/06/2024


Mae WAHWN wedi penodi pedwar mentai i'w raglen hyfforddi a mentora beilot, 'Camu i Mewn'. Daw Radha, Georgia, Pete a Lyndsey o gefndiroedd artistig amrywiol, gyda phrofiadau byw nad ydynt yn cael eu cynrychioli’n ddigonol ar hyn o bryd yn y sector celfyddydau ac iechyd sy’n tyfu.

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WAHWN supports 'Hapus' - Public Health Wales' national conversation about mental wellbeing

Date: 20/06/2024


WAHWN is delighted to be an official supporter of Hapus, Public Health Wales 'Hapus' national conversation about mental wellbeing.

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'Stepping In' appoints 4 mentees for pilot programme

Date: 20/06/2024


WAHWN has appointed four mentees to its pilot training and mentoring programme, ‘Stepping In’. Radha, Georgia, Pete and Lyndsey come from diverse artistic backgrounds, with lived experiences that are currently under-represented in the growing arts and health sector.

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WAHWN Creative Health Marketplaces | WAHWN Marchnadoedd Iechyd Creadigol

Date: 20/06/2024


We are delighted to have worked with the brilliant film maker, Simon Huntley, to create a short film and we are grateful to our funder National Lottery Community Fund for supporting these events.

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'A Dose of Art' wins at Welsh Sustainability Awards

Date: 20/06/2024


Artwork created from thousands of plastic COVID-19 vaccine lids saved from landfill by Hywel Dda University Health Board (UHB) staff and volunteers has won the Culture and Language Wales Award at this year’s Welsh Sustainability Awards.

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WAHWN's Response to the Draft Mental Health Strategy | Ymateb WAHWN i’r Strategaeth Iechyd Meddwl Ddrafft

Date: 21/05/2024


We are sharing our response to the strategy with you here for your reference, but also in the hope that you might consider responding from your own organisations and roles, to ensure the arts are given their due acknowledgement in the final strategy. | Rydyn ni’n rhannu ein ymateb i’r strategaeth gyda chi yma er gwybodaeth, ond hefyd yn y gobaith y byddwch yn ystyried ymateb o’ch sefydliadau a’ch rolau eich hun, i sicrhau bod y celfyddydau’n derbyn cydnabyddiaeth ddyledus yn y strategaeth derfynol.


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Digwyddiadau Profiad Bywyd Iechyd Meddwl AaGIC

Date: 20/05/2024


Digwyddiadau Profiad Bywyd Iechyd Meddwl AaGIC sy’n cael eu cynnal ledled Cymru ar gyfer pobl sydd â phrofiad bywyd o heriau iechyd meddwl a/neu sy’n gweithio mewn gwasanaethau iechyd meddwl, gofalwyr di-dâl a sefydliadau trydydd sector.

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HEIW Mental Health Lived Experience events

Date: 20/05/2024


HEIW Mental Health Lived Experience events are taking place across Wales for people with lived experience of mental health challenges and/or who work in mental health services, unpaid carers and third sector organisations.  

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Mental Health Awareness Week 2024: Artist wellbeing

Date: 13/05/2024


WAHWN shares a statement on the importance of artist emotional and mental wellbeing this Mental Health Awareness Week.

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WAHWN yn penodi rheolwr rhaglen Camu i Mewn

Date: 12/04/2024


WAHWN yn penodi Tom Bevan, cynhyrchydd theatr a digwyddiadau byw ar ei liwt ei hun, yn rheolwr rhaglen newydd ar gyfer amrywiaeth y gweithlu.

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WAHWN appoints Stepping In programme manager

Date: 12/04/2024


WAHWN appoints Tom Bevan, a freelance theatre and live events producer, as programme manager of its new workforce diversity programme.

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Jane Bryant MS is new Minister for Mental Health and Early Years

Date: 06/04/2024


WAHWN reacts to Jane Bryant MS' appointment as Wales' new Minister for Mental Health and Early Years

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New glossary aims to simplify social prescribing language

Date: 05/04/2024


A new glossary of terms used in social prescribing has been developed by the University of South Wales and Public Health Wales to help clarify and standardise the language used by professionals.

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Geirfa newydd â’r nod o symleiddio iaith rhagnodi cymdeithasol

Date: 05/04/2024


Mae rhestr newydd o dermau a ddefnyddir mewn rhagnodi cymdeithasol wedi’i datblygu gan Brifysgol De Cymru ac Iechyd Cyhoeddus Cymru i helpu i egluro a safoni’r iaith a ddefnyddir gan weithwyr proffesiynol.

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RSPH Arts & Health Award

Date: 27/03/2024


This award recognises organisations whose work has furthered the contribution of the creative arts to health and wellbeing. Deadline 12th April. 

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WAHWN find out more about PHW's 'Hapus' Campaign - coming in June 2024

Date: 22/03/2024


Hapus' aim is to improve everyone's wellbeing in Wales and reduce loneliness by encouraging people to engage in activities that promote and protect mental health sustainably.

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SParky Samba hitting headlines at home and abroad

Date: 22/03/2024


A special Samba class for people living with Parkinson’s in Cardiff has hit the headlines at home and abroad after participants reported an improvement in their physical and mental health.

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Cyllid newydd i gefnogi celfyddydau a phobl greadigol Powys

Date: 08/03/2024


Mae Gwasanaeth Celfyddydau Cyngor Sir Powys wedi sicrhau cyllid chwe ffigur i gefnogi sefydliadau celfyddydol a diwylliannol ar draws y sir

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New grant programme to support Powys arts and creatives

Date: 08/03/2024


Powys County Council's Arts Service has secured six-figure funding to support arts and culture organisations across the county

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Consultation opens on strategies for mental health and wellbeing, and suicide and self-harm prevention in Wales

Date: 22/02/2024


It has been 10 years since Welsh Government previous strategies were published. They have now published the new Mental Health and Wellbeing, and Suicide and Self Harm Prevention Strategies for Wales for a 16 week public consultation. 

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Baring Foundation New Funding

Date: 15/02/2024


New funding: Attracting new male participants into creative mental health programmes. Grants of £20k to £50k available for developing new participatory arts opportunities for men with mental health problems.

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Welsh Government Culture Sector Climate and Nature Survey

Date: 23/01/2024


Culture Sector Climate and Nature Survey

Complete Here

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Farewell to Arts Health South West

Date: 19/01/2024


WAHWN is sad to learn that Arts Health South West will cease operations at the end of March.

Read their statement here 

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Introducing NAWA - Neurodiversity and Anti-Racism in Welsh Arts

Date: 17/01/2024


Hijinx, Disability Arts Cymru and Learning Disability Wales are working together to identify the issues faced by learning disabled and neurodivergent people who are from communities that experience racism, when accessing or engaging in the art.

Find out more about NAWA here

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Cult Cymru Wellbeing Facilitator Pilot

Date: 17/01/2024


Would your TV or Film production benefit from having a Wellbeing Facilitator?

Find out more here

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North Wales Social Prescribing Survey

Date: 17/01/2024


Complete the North Wales Social Prescribing Survey before Wednesday 31st January 2024!


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What Matters Most? Exhibition Launch

Date: 14/12/2023


Launch : What Matters Most?  In the Oriel at the Senedd on Tuesday 23 January, 18:00 – 20:00 


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Welsh NHS Confederation and ACW sign a further 3 year MOU

Date: 12/12/2023


It's fantastic to see this partnership between the Welsh NHS Confederation and Cyngor Celfyddydau Cymru | Arts Council of Wales renewed through a third MoU today. A commitment to keep driving creativity across Wales' NHS & care system. WAHWN are proud to be their partner.

Read more here.

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How our ‘Go + See’ bursary has ignited skills and connections for Wales’ Arts, Health, and Wellbeing professionals

Date: 09/12/2023


Professionals working in arts, health and wellbeing have gained new skills, knowledge and connections thanks to Go and See - a micro grants programme from Wales Arts Health and Wellbeing Network (WAHWN).

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New report confirms creative health could help NHS health and social care systems

Date: 06/12/2023


'Creative Health Review: How Policy Can Embrace Creative Health' from the National Centre for Creative Health and the All-Party Parliamentary Group on Arts, Health and Wellbeing evidences that creative health should form an integral part of a 21st-century health and social care system.

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BCUHB launch of 3 year arts strategy

Date: 23/11/2023


BCUHB Arts in Health & Wellbeing – a three-year strategic approach for North Wales launch 14.12.23

Celfyddydau mewn Iechyd a Lles BIPBC – cynllun gweithredu strategol tair blynedd ar gyfer Gogledd Cymru yn lansio ar 14.12.23

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SBUHB Wins Nursing Times Best Staff Wellbeing Initiative

Date: 22/11/2023


Congratulations to SBUHB for winning the NT Best Staff Wellbeing Initiative last night where Judges praised the team for their holisitic approach and high levels of engagement and inclusion. 

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BAVO Social Isolation Grant

Date: 21/11/2023


Small grants of between £500 and £1,000 – apply now. Deadline 24 November.

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PAVS Outdoor Connections Fund

Date: 21/11/2023


Apply now for Capital funding of up to £1,500 for communities wishing to improve outdoor spaces

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WAHWN Awards for All success

Date: 21/11/2023


We're delighted to have secured funding from @TNLComFundWales #Awards4All to run six more of our market place events in 2024.

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Tenovous Care Cancer/Gofal Canser Love Light Christmas Concerts

Date: 21/11/2023


Lovelight Concerts are now in their 16th year and they help us raise vital funds to support everyone affected by cancer, plus they give families and friends an opportunity to come together and light a candle to remember loved ones lost. 

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Launch of New National Social Prescribing Framework

Date: 20/11/2023


The new National Social Prescribing Framework for Wales will be launched on 7th December, 10am - 1pm 

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Launch of the Creative Health Review

Date: 15/11/2023


Launch of the Creative Health Review on 6th December, 4pm Creative Health Review Launch- Live Stream Tickets, Wed 6 Dec 2023 at 16:00 | Eventbrite

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New phase of creative wellbeing programme for Wales’ artists launches

Date: 20/10/2023


Artists Alison O’Connor, Jain Boon and Cai Tomos, are delivering the creative reflective practice programme for peers across Wales as part of our creative wellbeing programme for artists - called 'How Ya Doing?'

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Wales’ artists, health professionals and leaders gather for inaugural arts and mental health conference

Date: 05/10/2023


Wales’ artists, health and social care professionals and senior mental health leaders have gathered in Newport for the country’s first arts and mental health conference.

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Newport Creative Industries Cluster Hub

Date: 02/10/2023


CICH Newport's focus is to build a bigger arts and creative cluster in Newport through networking and engagement events. 

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Investment Review 2023

Date: 27/09/2023


WAHWN are delighted to share that we’ve been successful in our application to join ACW’s portfolio of regularly funded organisations.


Mae WAHWN yn falch iawn o rannu ein bod wedi bod yn llwyddiannus yn ein cais i ymuno â phortffolio CCC o sefydliadau a ariennir yn rheolaidd.

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WAHWN joins call for national conversation on Wales' future health and wellbeing

Date: 12/09/2023


Wales Arts Health and Wellbeing Network is one of 32 organisations to endorse a call by the Welsh NHS Confederation for a national conversation on the future of the nation’s health and wellbeing

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Rhannwch eich barn: ‘Llwybrau Creadigol‘ – hyfforddiant a datblygu sgiliau artistiaid sy’n gweithio mewn lleoliadau iechyd a llesiant

Date: 05/09/2023


Wrth i’r diddordeb yn y celfyddydau, iechyd a llesiant barhau i dyfu yng Nghymru, mae’n bwysig ein bod yn dod o hyd i ffyrdd newydd i ysbrydoli a meithrin artistiaid i weithio mewn lleoliadau llesiant iechyd a chymunedol.

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Share your views: ‘Creative Pathways‘ - training and skills development for artists working in health and wellbeing settings

Date: 05/09/2023


As interest in arts, health and wellbeing continues to grow in Wales, it’s important that we find new ways to inspire and nurture artists to work in health and community wellbeing settings.

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Freelancing and the climate crisis Llawryddion a'r argyfwng hinsawdd

Date: 31/08/2023


Our partners Cultural Freelancers Wales are hosting a free online upskilling session, Creative Freelancing and the Climate Crisis.

Mae ein partneriaid Llawryddion Celfyddydol Cymru yn cynnal sesiwn uwchsgilio am ddim, Llawryddion Creadigol a'r Argyfwng Hinsawdd


15 Medi, 3-5pm


Am ddim, archebwch le  t.ly/Cjr4z


15 Sept, 3-5pm


Free, book at t.ly/Cjr4z

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Arian loteri iechyd a lles y celfyddydau

Date: 16/08/2023


O'r hydref bydd cronfa loteri’r Celfyddydau, Iechyd a Lles yn ailagor gyda blaenoriaeth newydd - prosiectau celfyddydol sy'n anelu at wella iechyd a lles pobl drwy eu cysylltu â natur.



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Arts health and wellbeing lottery funding

Date: 16/08/2023


Our arts, health and wellbeing lottery fund has reopened with a new priority from this autumn - arts projects aiming to improve people’s health and wellbeing by connecting them with nature.

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New Horizons Mental Health wins significant National Lottery Community Funding

Date: 15/08/2023


Massive congratulations to New Horizons Mental Health who have won £286,515 National Lottery Community Funding 

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New conference explores healing power of arts for mental health in Wales

Date: 26/07/2023


The inaugural ‘Weave’ conference will take place in Newport this October

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Age Cymru: Elusen yn lansio cwrs llesiant sydd wedi cael ei ysbrydoli gan fyd natur ar gyfer pobl dros 50 oed ym Maesteg

Date: 26/07/2023


Mae ymarferwyr Celf Fforest yn annog pobl hŷn i fod yn greadigol yng nghefn gwlad

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Age Cymru: Charities launch nature inspired wellbeing course for the over 50s in Maesteg

Date: 26/07/2023


Forest Arts practitioners encourage older people to become creative in the countryside 

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Cynhadledd newydd yn edrych ar rym iachau’r celfyddydau ar gyfer iechyd meddwl yng Nghymru

Date: 04/07/2023


Cynhelir cynhadledd gyntaf ‘Gwehyddu’ yng Nghasnewydd ym mis Hydref

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Wales' first conference exploring healing power of arts on mental health

Date: 04/07/2023


WAHWN is organising Wales' first arts and health conference – ‘Weave’ – which will take place in Newport this autumn. 

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Mental Health Strategy

Date: 22/06/2023


The Welsh Government is developing a new national mental health strategy and want to hear your views on what this should look like.  https://www.gov.wales/mental-health-strategy?fbclid=IwAR2MbAcf1RQsjnqpYThccUY5ws1K8rDRXcvCLXMXzuOI9uKLSm6gEP9Y8as 

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Developing a Social Prescribing Evaluation Framework and Training Materials

Date: 15/06/2023


Invitation from USW, Wales School of Social Prescribing and WCVA to engage in a  Study to develop a social prescribing evaluation framework and training materials 

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Cyhoeddi Partneriaeth Strategol WAHWN ac AM

Date: 24/05/2023


Mae AM yn app ac yn wefan sydd yn hyrwyddo celfyddydau cynhwysol a chymunedol Cymru, ac mae’n cael ei ariannu drwy Lywodraeth Cymru. Mae’r platfform digidol wedi rhannu gweithgaredd celfyddydol gan dros 350 o sianelau/Partneriaid Creadigol i gynulleidfa o dros 250 000 o ddefnyddwyr yn y ddwy flynedd diwethaf. Dros y tair blynedd nesaf, mae AM yn anelu i chwarae rôl fwy cynhyrchiol yn hyrwyddo proffil iechyd y celfyddydau a lles i sector cenedlaethol ac i gynulleidfa sydd yn parhau i dyfu, drwy ddefnyddio dulliau digidol i wella hygyrchedd ac ymgysylltiad.


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Announcing the Strategic Partnership between WAHWN and AM

Date: 24/05/2023


AM is an app and a website which promotes the inclusive and community-based culture of Wales, and is funded by the Welsh Government. The digital platform has shared the activity of over 350 Creative Partners/channels to an audience of over 250 000 users in the last two years. Over the next three years, AM aims to play a more active role in raise the profile of the arts to health and wellbeing to a national sector and to its ever-expanding audience by using digital means to improve access and engagement.



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Storytelling for Health and Wellbeing University of South Wales

Date: 05/04/2023


We are delighted to announce that Swansea Bay Health Board, Cwm Taf Morgannwg University Health Board, Beyond the Border, Awen Cultural Trust, and the University of South Wales are working together towards the next gathering of ‘Storytelling for Health and Wellbeing’, which will take place on 6th July 2023 at the Atrium, University of South Wales, Cardiff, CF24 2FN.  The focus of this event is “what is a story for health and wellbeing?”.  This one-day event builds upon the successful Storytelling for Health conferences, which took place in 2017, 2019, and 2021. 


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Investing in the Arts Can Improve Population Health

Date: 23/01/2023


New research from UCL shows that investing the in the arts can improve population health https://www.creativityculturecapital.org/blog/2022/12/21/investing-in-the-arts-can-improve-population-health/   Using the arts and cultural assets can support both mental and physical health

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Cardiff & Vale UHB Arts for Health & Wellbeing News

Date: 13/01/2023


Cardiff Royal Infirmary Newsletter January 2023 - part of People, Place, Future 

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Creative Health Review Call for Contributions

Date: 16/11/2022


Call out for contributors, including those who have felt the benefits of creative health,  are a practitioner or academic working with creative health approaches or
involved in commissioning or integrating creative health into wider systems or policy. 

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Evaluation report on impact of health board arts and health coordinators

Date: 07/11/2022



Evaluation by UK Research & Consultancy Services Ltd of the impact of the arts and health coordinator roles within health boards across Wales

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New Baring Foundation report on how museums can engage with people with mental health problems

Date: 03/11/2022


Targeted engagement by museums with people with mental health problems is relatively rare, despite a strong commitment to inclusivity and wellbeing. This new report makes the case - through a series of case studies - for more work in this area.

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Cultural Cwtsh for World Mental Health Day

Date: 10/10/2022


Wales’ national poet among artists offering virtual ‘cwtsh’ to healthcare workers in winter wellbeing push

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World Mental Health Day

Date: 10/10/2022


Wales Health Boards awarded 2nd year of funding 'Arts and Minds' to support people living with mental health conditions https://arts.wales/news-jobs-opportunities/world-mental-health-day-wales-health-boards-awarded-fresh-funding-support 

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Every Care Home A Creative Home Baring Foundation Report

Date: 30/09/2022


How a systems approach involving both arts and social care sectors could make arts, culture and creativity an everyday experience in many more of England's care homes. Although England focus, much of this is applicable to Wales.  The report does refer to a Wales initiative too. 

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Let's Create Art 2022

Date: 20/09/2022


WAHWN is delighted to be a partner with Engage on the Let's Create Art campaign 2022, shining a light on visual arts engagement practice supporting wellbeing. 

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Centre for Cultural Value Collaborate Funding

Date: 14/09/2022


Centre for Cultural Value will launch the new round of Collaborate funding in October 2022 

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Online Consultation for a Social Prescribing National Framework

Date: 16/08/2022


Welsh Government are carrying out an online consultation for a national framework for social prescribing.

Now is your opportunity to have your say. Submit your comments by 20 October 2022



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Live Music Now Lullaby Project Webinar

Date: 13/06/2022


Free webinar 15th June 1 - 3.30pm

Live Music Now has developed a new engagement model for health boards who need to address perinatal mental health issues and inequalities in maternity and women’s health services.    


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Baring Foundation Creatively Minded The Directory

Date: 09/06/2022


Hot off the press, the second edition of Creatively Minded - The Directory from Baring Foundation https://baringfoundation.org.uk/resource/creatively-minded-the-directory/


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Money Talks

Date: 18/05/2022


Institute for Welsh Affairs article by Rosie Dow, HARP Programme Manager calling for a more straight forward approach to funding for arts and health innovations projects to flourish 

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HARP video and resources launched

Date: 17/05/2022


As the HARP (Health Arts Research People) programme draws to an end, check out the HARP video which highlights the HARP approach and recommendations 

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Family Wellbeing Day at Ffotogallery

Date: 27/04/2022


Join us for a day full of fabulous activities for all the family on Saturday 14th May, 15 - 5pm.   A free family day with lots of creative activities for all ages designed to help everyone with our wellbeing for Mental Health Awareness Week

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HARP online event series

Date: 25/04/2022


Want to know how we can generate, grow and learn from creative innovations that support people’s health and wellbeing in Wales? 

Then don’t miss HARP’s online event series, running lunchtimes during Creativity and Wellbeing Week (17-20 May). More information and booking:- https://arts.wales/news-jobs-opportunities/harps-online-event-series 

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HARP Online Sharing Events Creativity & Wellbeing Week

Date: 21/04/2022


Interested in arts and health? Don’t miss HARP’s online event series lunchtimes during #Creativity & #Wellbeing Week, 17-20 May. Expect inspiration, recommendations, learning & brilliant guest panellists. https://www.eventsforce.net/nesta/frontend/reg/tOtherPage.csp?pageID=30524&eventID=111 

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Contextual Mothering

Date: 13/04/2022


The Contextual Mothering symposium, on 18th May,  brings together practitioners and researchers from across the fields of health, social care, arts, performance studies, and maternal studies and includes a performance by acclaimed Welsh poet Rufus Mufasa and a keynote presentation by Dr Rachael Owens. 

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Arts and Creativity for People with Severe Mental Illness

Date: 25/03/2022


New research review commissioned by the Baring Foundation asks What is the role of arts and creativity for people with a severe mental illness? This new review assesses what we know, what we don't know and poses questions for future research. https://baringfoundation.org.uk/resource/arts-and-creativity-for-people-with-a-severe-mental-illness-a-rapid-realist-review/ 

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MARCH Network published Improving Access to the Arts for Mental Health

Date: 09/03/2022


MARCH Network report highlights the enablers and barriers to the arts for mental health for individuals, communities and GPs.  https://assets.ctfassets.net/qh92njlzsof9/5L4IBsUQ1XteIqjD79j10h/cea557b4389b7334897d5949dd1e9f85/Improving_Access_to_the_Arts_-_MARCH_Network.pdf


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ACW Arts and health Lottery Funding Re-opens

Date: 09/03/2022


The next round of ACW A&H lottery funding opens on 16th March, with a deadline of 21st April 2022. 

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Call out for articles Public Health Network Cymru

Date: 06/03/2022


Deadline 18th March for articles for PHNC  on the impact of co-operatives and social enterprises on health and well-being

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Social Prescribing Framework for Wales

Date: 28/02/2022


Video recording of Nicola Evans, Welsh Government, presentation of the evolving Social Prescribing Framework for Wales on Friday 25th February 2022.  https://vimeo.com/682809031


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Breathe Creative Training

Date: 25/02/2022


Creativity for Wellbeing, A Person-Centred Approach training - Experiential training for Social Prescribers, Health and Social Care workers 16th, 23rd and 30th March

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WAHWN Network Meeting Social Prescribing Framework

Date: 10/02/2022


Nicola Evans, Head of Healthy Communities and Health Inequalities will share an update on the evolving Social Prescribing Framework on Friday 25th February 10am - 11.30am

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Call out for articles for Public Health Network Cymru bulletin

Date: 02/02/2022


Creating healthy places and spaces - For the February e-bulletin they would welcome articles on national, regional or local initiatives which focus on changes to built and natural environments and the impact on health and well-being. Deadline 18th February 


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Launch of Maternal Performance: Feminist Relations

Date: 19/01/2022


You are invited to the launch of the new co-authored book Maternal Performance: Feminist Relations by Emily Underwood-Lee and Lena Simic on Tuesday 15th Feb 7 – 8.30pm. 

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Launch of Maternal Performance: Feminist Relations

Date: 19/01/2022


You are invited to the launch of the new co-authored book Maternal Performance: Feminist Relations by Emily Underwood-Lee and Lena Simic on Tuesday 15th Feb 7 – 8.30pm. 

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Celebration of cARTrefu Phase 3

Date: 19/01/2022


To celebrate the third phase of the cARTrefu project coming to an end in March 2022 Age Cymru  will be holding an online celebration on Wednesday 16 February.


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Just One Thing

Date: 10/01/2022


BBC Radio 4 and BBC Sounds podcast series “Just One Thing” being made by the BBC Science Unit. It focuses on simple things we can all do for our health and wellbeing.https://www.bbc.co.uk/programmes/p09by3yy 

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WAHWN Network Meeting 17th January 2022

Date: 17/12/2021


Booking now open for WAHWN Network Meeting on Monday 17th January 2022.  We will be joined by Nicola Evans, Head of Healthy Communities & Health Inequalities, Welsh Government who will share an update on the evolving social prescribing framework for Wales 



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WAHWN Network Meeting 17th January 2021

Date: 09/12/2021


SAVE THE DATE  - WAHWN Network meeting on Monday 17th January 11.30am - 1pm. Nicola Evans, Head of Health Inequalities and Healthy Communities
Welsh Government who will provide an update on the evolving national framework for social prescribing in Wales.

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Dance for Parkinsons Face to Face Classes Resume

Date: 30/11/2021


National Dance Company Wales are delighted to announce they have resumed their face to face, alongside digital,  Dance for Parkinsons classes across Wales 









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Swansea Research Adolescent Mental Health Be Seen

Date: 23/11/2021


Karen Ingham has been working in collaboration with Prof Ann John Swansea University for the past two years on  It's the only project of it's kind funded in Wales by this innovative partnership between the Medical Research Council, the Arts and Humanities Research Council, and the Social and Economic Research Council. It is one of 9 UK projects funded by this pathfinder scheme with a grant of £100,000. It will inform the Welsh Government and Westminster and is part of multi-million pound youth, mental health, and data platform that Swansea is pioneering.



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November HARP Journal

Date: 18/11/2021


Welcome to the HARP Journal   https://ylab.wales/harp_nov21 

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Funding for Young Peoples Mental Health

Date: 12/11/2021


The Prudence Trust is a grant-making charity, established in 2020, investing in the advancement of young people’s mental health services and research in the UK.

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Celf a’r meddwl | Arts and minds - a new programme for the arts and mental health

Date: 09/10/2021


Baring Foundation and Arts Council of Wales announce Celf a’r meddwl | Arts and minds - a new programme for the arts and mental health


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Health, Arts, Research, People ('HARP') - Showcase and Spotlight event 5 Oct

Date: 09/10/2021


Showcase and Spotlight event on 5th October bought 13 HARP partnerships together to inspire and learn from each other about challenges and successes as they reach their mid way point in their HARP projects.  

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Arts and Health Coordinators for Hywel Dda UHB take up new roles

Date: 09/10/2021


With ACW capacity support funding, Kathryn Lambert and Dr Catherine Jenkins have been appointed as Arts and Health Coordinators for Hywel Dda UHB.

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Welsh NHS Confederation Wellbeing for Wales Lectures

Date: 09/10/2021


The Welsh NHS Confederation held its first Wellbeing for Wales Lecture series last month with over 300 delegates attending.  

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New Pathways Messages of Hope

Date: 07/10/2021


Stories of resilience from those with lived experience of rape and sexual violence.  A creative research and development project aimed at encouraging people who have experienced sexual violence and abuse to seek help. https://www.newpathways-messagesofhope.com/


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Welsh NHS Confederation Virtual Wellbeing for Wales Lecturers

Date: 22/09/2021


27th-30th September - a series of lecturers.  You can expect to hear from a wide range of leaders from across the UK. With eight sessions over a four-day period, considering different aspects of health and wellbeing, we hope to inspire, connect and provide space for you to reflect as we explore what needs to be done to enable us to collectively rebuild and transform health and care services for the people of Wales now and in the future. https://www.nhsconfed.org/WellbeingforWales 

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New MA Arts and Health Wrexham Glyndwr University

Date: 16/09/2021


Limited spaces available still for the new MA Arts and Health course at Glyndwr University.   https://www.glyndwr.ac.uk/en/Postgraduatecourses/MAArtsinHealth/


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Rosie Dow welcomes the Baring Foundation new report

Date: 13/09/2021


Rosie Dow, Programme Manager for HARP (Health Arts Research People) reflects on the Baring Foundation's new report focusing on arts innovations in Wales https://ylab.wales/new-report-highlights-innovative-work-arts-and-health-wales 

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Collaborate funding

Date: 13/09/2021


Centre for  Cultural Value announce new funding for collaborations between cultural sector and academics.  Grants of up to £20k 

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Hot off the press - Baring Foundation Creatively Minded and the NHS Report

Date: 06/09/2021


A new report called Creatively Minded and the NHS which highlights NHS Mental Health Trusts which offer participatory arts to patients and includes examples from across the UK including Cardiff & Vale and Swansea Health Boards https://baringfoundation.org.uk/resource/creatively-minded-and-the-nhs/


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ACW Arts & Health Lottery Round 2

Date: 06/09/2021


Arts & Health Lottery funding round 2 opens on 15th September and closes 29th September.  Ensure you are registered with the ACW Grants Portal (which can take up to 5 days to register) https://portal.arts/wales/ 

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New Director at Mind Cymru

Date: 26/08/2021


Sue O’Leary has become the new Director of Mind Cymru, taking over from outgoing Director Sara Moseley.  She's a strong advocate for early intervention.  

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Call Out for Responses Priorities for Senedd

Date: 25/08/2021


Welsh Parliament Culture Communications Welsh Language Sport and International Relations Committee call out for responses for priorities. WAHWN has submitted a call out for arts and health focus.  https://wahwn.cymru/knowledge-bank/wahwn-response-to-senedd-call-out


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Wellbeing & Advocacy Project for 50 plus

Date: 20/08/2021


Ethnic Minorities and Youth Support Team (EYST Wales) are pleased to announce our new project to support vulnerable people from Black, Asian and minority ethnic backgrounds who are over aged 50 in Newport.

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Tu ôl i'r Glust

Date: 11/08/2021


Work in development - a first opportunity to hear about the medical and scientific research that is part of a brand new commission by Catrin Finch, with music based on this research, incorporating rhythm, tone and breath in a special way. In challenging and difficult times - Catrin is at the start of the journey of creating a musical project with the aim of healing the nation. #llesiant https://eisteddfod.wales/amgen-2021-encore-mawrth-catrin-finch?_ga=2.151315454.652356709.1628683891-1815268712.1628071420 

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July edition of HARP Journal Hot Off the Press!

Date: 22/07/2021


July's edition of HARP Journal, with a focus on Pathways https://ylab.wales/harpjournaljuly2021


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Theatr Genedlaethol Cymru announce year of activity

Date: 16/07/2021


Theatr Genedlaethol Cymru – in collaboration with Literature Wales, Adra (Tai/Housing) and the lead artist Iola Ynyr – are delighted to announce a year of activity for people affected by addictionthrough the project Ar y Dibyn supported by HARP (Health Arts Research People)

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SENSATIONS Re-Live's Company of Elders New Show

Date: 06/07/2021


A Life Story performance about the ageing body by Re-Live's Company of Elders 15th, 16th and 17th July 

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New Arts and Health MA Programme at Wrecsam Glyndwr North Wales

Date: 29/06/2021


Wrecsam Glyndŵr University are launching a new MA dedicated to ‘Arts in Health’ in autumn 2021, part of a suite of MA programmes on offer through their FAST Faculty of Art, Science and Technology (available part-time as well as full-time).

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HARP Journal

Date: 21/06/2021


HARP programmes now in delivery stage - read on for an update on pan Wales Seed and Nourish programmes https://ylab.wales/HARPjournalJune21

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How the national arts collection in Wales is supporting NHS staff wellbeing

Date: 16/06/2021


Article by Stephanie Roberts, Senior Curator, Historic Art, National Museum Wales on how the national arts collection is supporting NHS staff well-being.  

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Forget-Me-Not Chorus celebrates 10 years!

Date: 16/06/2021


Join Forget-me-Not Chorus via Zoom on June 18 2021, 18:30, when BBC Cardiff Singer of the World patron, Dame Kiri Te Kanawa will introduce the premiere of a newly commissioned short film that combines photography, rehearsal footage and animation with our exciting tenth anniversary commission ‘With Joy My Soul Sings’.

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UCL Covid Social Study Results at Week 56

Date: 04/05/2021


The COVID-19 Social Study is a research study run by University College London, exploring the effects of the virus and social distancing measures on adults in the UK during the outbreak of COVID-19. https://www.covidsocialstudy.org/ 

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Cardiff & Vale UHB Annual Report 2020 Hot off the Press

Date: 28/04/2021


The Arts for Health and Wellbeing Team are pleased to share their Annual Report for 2020. 

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ACW Arts & Health Lottery Guidelines

Date: 14/04/2021


ACW Arts & Health Lottery funding opens on 6th May, with a 19th May deadline.  Guidelines are now available on the website https://arts.wales/arts-health-and-wellbeing  

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Call to Senedd Welsh Parliament Candidates for an arts policy for mental health

Date: 27/03/2021


WAHWN encourages you to use and adapt the template letter to send to your candidates in the upcoming Senedd/Welsh Parliament elections calling for an arts policy for mental health 

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Bridging the Divide Webinar Video Now Available

Date: 25/03/2021


Bridging the Divide webinar recording is now available.  Led by Jane Willis, the event set out the health context in Wales and highlighted the health priorities. Guest contributors were Nesta Lloyd-Jones, Welsh NHS Confederation; Sarah Goodey GARTH; Prue Thimbleby, Swansea Bay UHB and Sarah Lord, Age Cymru shared their knowledge and expertise. 

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HARP announces the 10 Nourish Projects

Date: 16/03/2021


Today HARP announces the 10 projects involved in the Nourish programme which will work on scaling and sustaining arts and health activity in Wales. https://ylab.wales/announcing-harp-nourish-projects  

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A Call for action on health inequalities

Date: 14/03/2021


More than 30 organisations from across health, housing and social care in Wales come together to call for action on health inequalities. Royal College of Physicians (RCP) Cymru Wales has written today (22 February 2021) on behalf of the Welsh NHS Confederation health and social care policy forum to the first minister to call for a cross-government strategy for tackling wider health inequalities in Wales.

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ACW Arts and Health Lottery Funding

Date: 12/03/2021


ACW will open the new Arts and Health Lottery funding round on 7th April with a deadline of 28th April. Small and large grants available for arts and health collaborative projects and programmes.  

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Baring Foundation New Fund Creatively Minded and Ethnically Diverse

Date: 12/03/2021


Funding for Projects which find ways to attract participatory artists from ethnically diverse communities into this area of work and to support them. Examples might include shadowing, internships or apprenticeships, or mentoring or free training opportunities or undertake activity to offer creative opportunities to members of specific ethnically diverse communities who have mental health problems.
or a combination of these approaches. Grants of between £10,000 and £40,000 are available.

Deadline: 12pm midday on Wednesday 21 April.

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Video of WAHWN Case Study Webinar

Date: 05/03/2021


2 hour video of WAHWN case study webinar introducing the new case study template 

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Launch National Centre for Creative Health

Date: 02/03/2021


The National Centre for Creative Health (NCCH) will launch with an online event at 2pm on 9th March 2021. At the online launch of the National Centre for Creative Health, Chair of Trustees, Lord Howarth of Newport, and guest speaker, Lord Victor Adebowale, Chair of the NHS Confederation, will reflect on how the arts, culture and creativity can support people and organisations in the context of the pandemic and increasing health inequalities. Nesta Lloyd-Jones, Welsh NHS Confederation will be representing Wales. 

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Creatively Minded and Ethnically Diverse new Baring Foundation Report

Date: 24/02/2021


A new report compiled by the Baring Foundation - How can access to creative opportunities for people with mental health problems from ethnically diverse backgrounds be improved? Expert reflections and good practice examples from people with personal and professional experience of this field.




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Baring Foundation New Fund for Creativity Mental Health & People from Ethnically Diverse Backgrounds

Date: 24/02/2021


Baring Foundation opens new fund for creativity, mental health and people from ethnically diverse backgrounds. 

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Artists Practising Well Award Call out for Nominations

Date: 08/02/2021




Artists, museum/heritage practitioners who have felt well supported by an organisation, employer, commissioner - please make a nomination. Deadline 12th February 

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WAHWN Webinars and Workshops February and March 2020

Date: 16/01/2021


Series of upcoming Zoom WAHWN webinars and workshops aimed at building capacity in the sector. Booking essential. 

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Arts Health & Wellbeing, Wales and Japan

Date: 14/01/2021


Are you working in Arts and Health and Wellbeing? Connections or an interest in working with Japan? Wales Arts International are working with Bangor University to collect information to help them shape future Arts and Health partnerships and programmes, and they'd love to hear from you.






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Secret Country

Date: 08/12/2020


A new Life Story performance directed by Karin Diamond, Re-Live featuring nine older people sharing their lived experiences of Covid-19 and life in lockdown. 

Secret Country will be live on Zoom on December 16th, 17th and 18th from
1PM-2PM (GMT). You can find more info and book tickets here: http://www.re-live.org.uk/secretcountry


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Public Health Wales Report on Digital Exclusion and Health Inequalities

Date: 03/12/2020


The report explores digital exclusion and the impact in terms of health inequalities, as well as suggesting approaches for closing the gap. 

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Insight into Health Inequalities Professor Kamila Hawthorne

Date: 03/12/2020


Interesting article from Mountain Ash based GP Professor Kamila hawthorne about possible causes for health inequalities within BAME communities 

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Call out for submissions to the 2nd Treasury of Arts for Older People

Date: 25/11/2020


Call out to arts organisations and or artists to submit ideas for inclusion in the second Treasury of Arts for Older People, supported by the Baring Foundation and the Rayne Foundation 

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The Arts During the Pandemic : Debate in Chamber

Date: 19/11/2020


Jane Bryant MS short debate in Chamber on Wednesday 18th November : The arts during the pandemic with reference to many WAHWN member organisations delivering fantastic work

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The Health Foundation launches new fund

Date: 16/11/2020


The Health Foundation has launched a new £1.72m funding programme for local partnerships to use economic development strategies to improve health and reduce health inequalities.

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ACW and Welsh NHS Confederation renew MOU

Date: 13/11/2020


The Welsh NHS Confederation and the Arts Council of Wales renew their Memorandum of Understanding.

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Call out for Expressions of Interest - HARP Health Arts Research People

Date: 04/11/2020


Deadline of 23rd November for EOIs for the HARP programme https://ylab.wales/programmes/health-arts-research-people

A collaborative approach to developing skills and capacity in the sector 


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ACW announce £450k Arts and Health funding

Date: 04/11/2020


The Arts Council of Wales will be making available £450,000 of National Lottery funding over the next five months to enable more people across Wales to experience the health and wellbeing benefits of taking part in the arts.


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COVID-19 and BAME Communities - the Welsh Government response webinar

Date: 28/10/2020


Public Health Wales Network Cymru webinar event. 

This session will describe the work of the First Minister’s Advisory Group on health inequalities due to COVID-19 in Black Asian Minority Ethnic (BAME) communities and the Welsh Government response.

The webinar will be delivered by Dr Heather Payne, Senior Medical Officer, Maternal and Child Health, Welsh Government and will include a Question and Answer segment.



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Eluned Morgan, MS New Minister for Mental Health & Wellbeing

Date: 26/10/2020


Tackling the pandemic's mental health crisis: The minister in charge givesher first interview on The New Normal with Adrian Masters

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Rubicon wins A&B Cymru Award 2020

Date: 25/10/2020


Rubicon and Cardiff & Vale Health Charity wins the A&B Cymru Award for Arts, Business & Health 2020 https://www.rubicondance.co.uk/News/ab-cymru-awards

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Welsh NHS Confederation - How the Arts Can Tackle Health Inequalities

Date: 13/10/2020


Latest Welsh NHS Confederation briefing paper - How the Arts Can Tackle health Inequalities 

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Down to Earth - Digital Consultation - use of outdoor space at Llandough Hospital

Date: 09/10/2020


Digital consultation on the use of a beautiful outdoor space at University Hospital Llandough to explore how it can be used for rehabilitation, health care and nature. 

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Eluned Morgan - New Minister for Mental Health

Date: 09/10/2020


Fantastic news for our sector - Eluned Morgan appointed as new Welsh Minister for Mental Health, with responsibility for mental health, autism and dementia.   

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HARP - final report and film

Date: 04/10/2020


Innovating and arts during the pandemic - a programme led by Nesta Y Lab - HARP (Health, Arts, Research, People) 

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WAHWN Networking Events

Date: 03/10/2020


WAHWN networking event as part of the Green Ribbon Arts Festival (mental health & arts) Friday 30th October and Friday 6th November, 10am - 11.30  

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Green Ribbon Arts Festival website now live

Date: 03/10/2020


The Green Ribbon Arts Festival website is now live. Check it out for updates on upcoming events during the festival which runs from 26th October - 7th November 

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BBC News covers lockdown arts and health project Future Selves

Date: 30/09/2020


Tonight on BBC hear about the Future Selves programme - a Nesta HARP project with Aneurin Bevan UHB helped to tackle loneliness through virtual reality 

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HARP Sprint Challenge Sharing Event

Date: 11/09/2020


The HARP COVID-19 Sprint Event: What we did and what we learned
Join us online on 30th September 2020 to learn more about the work of the HARP Sprint and hear from the teams who designed arts and health activities that could be delivered during lockdown. https://ylab.wales/harp-covid-19-sprint-event-what-we-did-and-what-we-learned

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Call out for projects addressing health inequalities

Date: 25/08/2020


Deadline - mid September.  I am gathering evidence and examples of projects/interventions focused on health inequalities for the next Welsh NHS Confederation briefing paper and Cross Party Group on Arts and Health.  

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ACW Covid-19 Recovery Support Fund Opens Today

Date: 17/08/2020


ACW Covid-19 Recovery Support and Capital support funds opens on 17th August. Deadline 9th September.   

Note the reference to Arts & Health activities referenced in the social contract



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Y Lab Surveys

Date: 11/08/2020


You are invited to join Y Lab (Nesta) online surveys!


Y Lab is launching two surveys for professionals and participants on Arts & Health in Wales during the Covid-19 pandemic in order to address challenges and improve access to online delivery 

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£53m funding for the arts and culture in Wales

Date: 30/07/2020


Welsh Government will invest £53m into arts and culture 

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Foyle Foundation Funding Rounds open

Date: 27/07/2020


Foyle Foundation opens its fund.  No deadlines 

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Work from Wales featured in CHWA report

Date: 17/07/2020


Great to see work from Wales featured in Culture Health & Well-being Alliance's latest report which was discussed at the APPG meeting on 16th July 

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Welsh NHS Confederation Briefing Paper July 2020

Date: 17/07/2020


Latest briefing paper from Welsh NHS Confederation - How the arts continue to support health and wellbeing during Covid-19

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Aviva Community Fund for building community resilience

Date: 09/07/2020


Aviva Community Fund deadline 28th July 

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The Baring Foundation launches arts and mental health fund

Date: 06/07/2020


Deadline of 18th August for new Baring Foundation arts and mental health fund, as part of their ten-year commitment in this field   

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UK Government announces £1.57 billion for the arts sector

Date: 06/07/2020


The UK government announces a £1.57 billion lifeline of funding for arts, heritage and cultural institutions

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ACW Widening Participation Tender

Date: 02/07/2020


ACW have put out a tender for someone to develop stakeholder conversations focusing on widening participation and cultural, creative engagement.  

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Cardiff & Vale UHB Arts and Health Charity Report

Date: 12/06/2020


The Arts in Health and Well-being team, part of Cardiff and Vale University Health Charity have been supporting patients and staff during these unprecedented times both with physical well-being and self-care tips and with mental health and mindfulness activities.

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Nathan Wyburn Thank You NHS collage

Date: 10/06/2020


Cardiff & Vale UHB Health Charity Patron, Nathan Wyburn will be featured on BBC One Wales, The Great Indoors on Thursday 11 June at 7:30pm discussing his Thank you artwork at University Hospital Llandough.  The Great Indoors is a magazine show which reflects and celebrates the local heroes of the entire Welsh nation.

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War Artist Captures Life on the NHS Frontline

Date: 10/06/2020


BBC Wales news feature on 9th June about artist Dan Peterson who was commissioned by Cardiff & Vale arts and health charity to capture portraits from life on the NHS frontline 

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Nick Capaldi, ACW meets Culture Welsh Language & Communications Committee

Date: 08/06/2020


Nick Capaldi, Welsh NHS Confederation and Liam Evans-Ford, Theatre Clwyd met with the Welsh Government CWLCC in June to discuss the impact and challenges on the arts due to Covid-19.

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WAHWN during COVID-19

Date: 03/06/2020


Find out how COVID-19 is affecting WAHWN's service

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