WAHWN Webinars and Workshops February and March 2020

Booking is now open for WAHWN webinars and workshops aimed at building capacity in the arts and health sector in Wales. These include a wide range of strategically relevant sessions based on priorities identified by WAHWN members and strategic priorities in Wales.   Sessions include project case study writing; developing quality in arts and health; enhancing healthcare environments as well as focusing on how the NHS operates in Wales and helping to demystify some of the terminology and language around the NHS and exploring key policies and priorities for the NHS.  The training will be delivered by Jane Willis of Willis Newson and invited contributors from Wales. A pioneer of the arts and health field, Jane founded Vital Arts, the arts programme for Bart’s Health NHS Trust, in 1994. Since then, as Director of arts, health and well-being consultancy Willis Newson, she has worked with health and arts partners across the UK - Including more than 32 NHS Trusts and Health Boards, Arts Council Wales, National Museum Wales, Arts Council England, The Kings Fund and The Royal Society of Public Health - to produce award-winning arts, health and wellbeing programmes. She is particularly interested in developing creative solutions to strategic health needs and in supporting skills development within the sector.  Link to fuller description and booking:- https://engage.org/happenings/?content_type=training


Bellach gellir archebu lle ar weminarau a gweithdai WAHWN sy’n gweithio i adeiladu capasiti yn sector y celfyddydau ac iechyd yng Nghymru. Mae’r rhain yn cynnwys amrywiaeth eang o sesiynau sy’n strategol berthnasol ac yn seiliedig ar flaenoriaethau a nodwyd gan aelodau WAHWN a blaenoriaethau strategol yng Nghymru. Ymhlith y sesiynau mae ysgrifennu astudiaeth achos prosiect; datblygu ansawdd yn y celfyddydau ac iechyd; gwella amgylcheddau gofal iechyd yn ogystal â chanolbwyntio ar sut mae’r GIG yn gweithredu yng Nghymru a helpu i esbonio rhywfaint o derminoleg ac iaith y GIG a thrafod polisïau a blaenoriaethau allweddol i’r GIG. Caiff yr hyfforddiant ei gyflwyno gan Jane Willis o Willis Newson a chyfranwyr gwadd o Gymru. Mae Jane yn arloeswr ym maes y celfyddydau ac iechyd, a sefydlodd Vital Arts, rhaglen celfyddydau Ymddiriedolaeth GIG Iechyd Bart’s, yn 1994. Ers hynny, fel Cyfarwyddwr yr ymgynghoriaeth Celfyddydau, Iechyd a Llesiant Willis Newson, mae wedi gweithio gyda phartneriaid iechyd a chelfyddydau ar draws y DU - yn cynnwys dros 32 o Ymddiriedolaethau a Byrddau Iechyd y GIG, Cyngor Celfyddydau Cymru, Amgueddfa Genedlaethol Cymru, Arts Council England, Cronfa Kings a’r Gymdeithas Iechyd Cyhoeddus Frenhinol - i gynhyrchu rhaglenni celf, iechyd a llesiant sydd wedi’u gwobrwyo. Mae ganddi ddiddordeb penodol mewn datblygu datrysiadau creadigol i anghenion iechyd strategol a chefnogi datblygu sgiliau yn y sector. Dolen at ddisgrifiad llawnach ac archebu: https://engage.org/happenings/?content_type=training

