Training Events

Training events initiated by WAHWN:- 

Reaching out to be Global - Networking for Creative Practitioners across 5 nations

Date: 14/11/2024 | Location: Online | Ar lein | Cost: Free | Am Ddim


Reaching Out To Be Global is a free online event for those working in the field of Creative Ageing who are keen to connect with others.

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WAHWN October Network Meeting

Date: 24/10/2024 | Location: Online | Ar lein | Cost: Free


Join us in October for a Network Meeting that explores the ways that as a sector we can impact the Future Generations report.

Tickets here | Tocynnau yma

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2-Day Reflective Practice Facilitator Training with Alison O'Connor

Date: 19/11/2024 | Location: Online | Ar Lein | Cost: £140 - £180


A 2-day online training course for experienced arts facilitators to learn how to run Reflective Practice groups.

Book your place here

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Cyfarfod Rhwydwaith i Ymarferwyr Cymraeg eu Hiaith Mis Hydref

Date: 17/10/2024 | Location: Ar Lein | Online | Cost: Am Ddim | Free


Rydym ni am gynnig man penodol i ymarferwyr Cymraeg eu hiaith gyfarfod yr hydref.

Tocynnau Yma

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September Creative Ageing Network Meeting | Cyfarfod Rhwydwaith Heneiddio Creadigol Mis Medi

Date: 19/09/2024 | Location: Online | Ar Lein | Cost: Free | Am Ddim


Join us for our quarterly network meeting to hear about the range of creative ageing projects happening across Wales.

Book your place here | Tocynnau yma

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Strategies for Wellbeing Training | Hyfforddiant Strategaethau ar gyfer Llesiant

Date: 16/10/2024 | Location: Online | Ar Lein | Cost: £44 - £76


Online training programme for arts organisations who want to implement sustainable wellbeing support for practitioners and staff. More information here.

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Cefnogaeth Ymarfer Creadigol gyda Cai Tomos

Date: 08/10/2024 | Location: Online | Ar Lein | Cost: £11.55


Lle ar gyfer gwneud, rhannu a chysylltu tyner | A 1-2-1 space for gentle making, sharing and connecting. Book your place here.

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Creative Reflective Practice with Alison O'Connor and Jain Boon

Date: 07/10/2024 | Location: Online | Ar Lein | Cost: £16.96


A 6-week course starting Monday 7th October to Monday 18th November, 6.30pm - 8pm, online (break on Monday 18th October). More info here


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WAHWN September Network Meeting | Cyfarfod Rheydwaith Mis Medi

Date: 26/09/2024 | Location: Online | Ar Lein | Cost: Free | Am Ddim


Our focus this month will be sharing some brilliant creative health work that is taking place in Wales with refugees and asylum seekers. Tickets here.

Ffocws y mis hwn fydd rhannu peth o’r gwaith iechyd creadigol gwych sy’n digwydd yng Nghymru gyda ffoaduriaid a cheiswyr lloches. Tocynnau yma.

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Free Introduction to Wellbeing short course

Date: 10/07/2024 | Location: Wrexham University Plas Coch Campus | Cost: 0.00


Introduction to Wellbeing is a free short course with Wrexham University that will introduce you to a range of topics that can help to promote wellbeing for individuals and groups.

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WAHWN Marketplace - Swansea | Marchnadoedd WAHWN - Abertawe

Date: 16/07/2024 | Location: HQ Urban Kitchen, SA1 5AJ | Cost: Free | Am Ddim


Join WAHWN to connect with colleagues and improve referrals, creative prescribing and collaborations across arts and health in your area.

Tickets here | Tocynnau yma

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WAHWN July Network Meeting

Date: 11/07/2024 | Location: Online | Ar Lein | Cost: Free | Am Ddim


Join us for our July Network meeting where we hear about Public Health Wales' 'Hapus' campaign, artist Claire Hiett and AM's Alun Llwyd.

Tickets here | Tocynnau Yma

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Most Significant Change Training | Cwrs hyfforddi Newid Mwyaf Arwyddocaol

Date: 26/06/2024 | Location: Online | Ar Lein | Cost: Free | Am Ddim


This course will introduce the Most Significant Change technique. Bydd y cwrs hwn yn cyflwyno Newid Mwyaf Arwyddocaol

Tickets here | Tocynnau yma

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WAHWN Marketplace | Gwynedd | Marchnadoedd WAHWN - Gwynedd

Date: 18/06/2024 | Location: Pontio, Bangor | Cost: Free | Am Ddim


Join WAHWN to connect with colleagues and improve referrals, creative prescribing and collaborations across arts and health around Gwynedd.

Tickets here | Tocynnau yma

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WAHWN June Network Meeting

Date: 13/06/2024 | Location: Online | Ar Lein | Cost: Free | Am Ddim


This month we have our first sharing of how Creative Prescribing projects are being evaluated in Wales.

Tickets here | Tocynnau Yma

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WAHWN Marketplace - Denbighshire | Marchnadoedd WAHWN | Sir Ddinbych

Date: 04/06/2024 | Location: Ruthin Craft Centre | Canolog Chrefft Ruthin | Cost: Free | Am Ddim


Join WAHWN to connect with colleagues and improve referrals, creative prescribing and collaborations across arts and health in your area.

Tickets here | Tocynnau yma

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WAHWN May Network Meeting | Cyfarfod Rhwydwaith Mis Mai WAHWN

Date: 23/05/2024 | Location: Online | Ar Lein | Cost: Free


Join us for our May network Meeting when we celebrate Creativity & Wellbeing week (Culture, Health & Wellbeing Alliance).

Tickets here

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Most Significant Change Training | Cwrs hyfforddi Newid Mwyaf Arwyddocaol

Date: 16/05/2024 | Location: Online | Ar Lein | Cost: Free | Am Ddim


This course will introduce the essentials of Most Significant Change technique. It will outline the principles and practice of gathering MSC stories and exploring and learning from them in MSC story selection panels. 

Tickets here FULLY BOOKED


Bydd y cwrs hwn yn cyflwyno hanfodion techneg Newid Mwyaf Arwyddocaol. Bydd yn amlinellu egwyddorion ac arferion casglu straeon MSC ac archwilio a dysgu oddi wrthynt mewn paneli dethol straeon MSC.

Tocynnau yma LLAWN 

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Introduction to Health Impact Assessment | Cyflwyniad i Asesu'r Effaith ar Iechyd Cymru

Date: 09/05/2024 | Location: Online | Ar Lein | Cost: Free | Am Ddim


This Health Impact Assessment information session is aimed across the WAHWN membership to highlight the relationship of the network members activities to Health and Wellbeing outcomes.

Tickets here


Anelir y sesiwn wybodaeth hon ar Asesu’r Effaith ar Iechyd at holl aelodaeth WAHWN i dynnu sylw at y berthynas rhwng gweithgareddau aelodau’r rhwydwaith a chanlyniadau Iechyd a Llesiant.

Tocynnau yma

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Creative and Credible: Creative Evaluation Training with Jane Willis

Date: 01/01/1970 | Location: Online | Cost: £165


This course provides participants with the knowledge, skills and confidence to evaluate creatively as well as credibly. Over the course of three interactive workshops, we will look at ways in which we can better harness creativity to generate appropriate, relevant, meaningful evaluations. 

Find out more here


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Strategies for Wellbeing with Justine Wheatley | Strategaethau ar gyfer Llesiant gyda Justine Wheatley

Date: 01/05/2024 | Location: Online | Ar Lein | Cost: from £44


Join freelance consultant and trainer Justine Wheatley for a 2-day online training programme for arts organisations who want to implement sustainable wellbeing support for practitioners and staff.

Tickets here

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WAHWN April Network Meeting | Cyfarfod Rhwydwaith Mis Ebrill WAHWN

Date: 18/04/2024 | Location: Online | Ar Lein | Cost: Free


April’s network meeting will focus on the Welsh Government’s draft Mental Health Strategy launched on 20th February.

Tickets here

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Creative Health Marketplace - Newport | Marchnadoedd WAHWN - Casnewydd

Date: 17/04/2024 | Location: The Place, Newport, NP20 4AL | Cost: Free


Join WAHWN to connect with colleagues and improve referrals, creative prescribing and collaborations across arts and health around Newport.

Tickets here

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WAHWN March Network Meeting

Date: 20/03/2024 | Location: Online | Ar Lein | Cost: Free


An opportunity to connect and share practice, March’s network meeting will focus on Creative Nature in the Arts and Health Sector. Tickets here!


Yn ogystal â chynnig cyfle i gysylltu a rhannu arfer, bydd cyfarfod rhwydwaith mis Mawrth yn canolbwyntio ar Natur Creadigol yn y Celfyddydau ac Iechyd. Tocynnau yma!

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2-Day Reflective Practice Facilitator Training with Alison O'Connor

Date: 23/04/2024 | Location: Online | Ar Lein | Cost: £140 - £180


This 2-day training course will equip you with the skills to run a Reflective Practice group within your organisation and have the capacity to deliver for other organisations. Tickets here

Bydd y cwrs hyfforddi deuddydd yn rhoi sgiliau i chi allu cynnal grŵp Ymarfer Myfyriol yn eich sefydliad a bod â’r gallu i’w gyflenwi i sefydliadau eraill. Tocynnau yma

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Creative Health Marketplace - Carmarthen | Marchnadoedd Iechyd Creadigol - Sir Gaerfyrrdin

Date: 19/03/2024 | Location: Nurture Centre, Carmarthen | Cost: £0.00


Join WAHWN to connect with colleagues and improve referrals, creative prescribing and collaborations across arts and health around Carms.

Tickets here / Tocynnau Yma

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Arddangos ffilm Symud Hunan-Drugareddog The Body Hotel

Date: 21/02/2024 | Location: Caerdydd | Cost:


Arddangos ffilm Symud Hunan-Drugareddog The Body Hotel & Digwyddiad Penllanw y prosiect MOVING SELF-COMPASSION | The Body Hotel

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WAHWN Marketplace - Bridgend | Marchnadoedd WAHWN - Pen-y-Bont

Date: 29/02/2024 | Location: Carnegie House, Bridgend, CF31 1EF | Cost: Free


Our Arts & Health Marketplaces are regional networking events for colleagues in the arts, health and the third sector who want to improve connections and referral pathways into creative projects.

Tickets here

Mae ein Marchnadoedd Celfyddydau ac Iechyd yn ddigwyddiadau rhwydweithio rhanbarthol i gydweithwyr yn y celfyddydau, iechyd a’r trydydd sector sy’n dymuno gwella cysylltiadau a llwybrau atgyfeirio i mewn i brosiectau creadigol.

Tocynnau yma

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WAHWN February Network Meeting | Cyfarfod Rhwywaith Mis Chwefror

Date: 22/02/2024 | Location: Online | Ar Lein | Cost: Free


As well as an opportunity to connect and share practice, February’s network meeting will focus on race and inequalities in Arts and Health.

Tickets here

Yn ogystal â chynnig cyfle i gysylltu a rhannu arfer, bydd cyfarfod rhwydwaith mis Chwefror yn canolbwyntio ar hil ac anghydraddoldeb yn y Celfyddydau ac Iechyd.

Tocynnau yma

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Strategies for Wellbeing with Justine Wheatley | Strategaethau ar gyfer Llesiant gyda Justine Wheatley

Date: 30/01/2024 | Location: Online | Ar Lein | Cost: from £44


Join freelance consultant and trainer Justine Wheatley for a 2-day online training programme for arts organisations who want to implement sustainable wellbeing support for practitioners and staff.

Tickets here

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Q&A with Alison O'Connor - Reflective Practice Training

Date: 22/01/2024 | Location: Online | Ar lein | Cost: £0.00


This free Q&A session is for any arts facilitators who are potentially interested in doing the course and would like to find out a bit more about the upcoming 2-day training course for facilitators who want to train in reflective practice.

Tickets here

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January Creative Ageing Network Meeting | Cyfarfod Rhwydwaith Heneiddio Creadigol Mis Ionawr

Date: 16/01/2024 | Location: Online | Ar Lein | Cost: Free


Join us online from 10am - 11am for our quarterly network meeting to explore the range of creative ageing projects happening across Wales.

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WAHWN January Network Meeting | Cyfarfod Rhwydwaith Mis Ionawr

Date: 25/01/2024 | Location: Online | Ar Lein | Cost: Free | Am Ddim


January’s network meeting will be an opportunity to hear from colleagues who are undertaking arts, health and wellbeing work internationally.

Tickets here


Bydd cyfarfod rhwydwaith mis Ionawr hefyd yn gyfle i glywed gan gydweithwyr sy’n ymgymryd â gwaith yn y celfyddydau, iechyd a llesiant yn rhyngwladol.

Tocynnau Yma

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North Wales Public Service Lab 2023/24 Learning Programme Labordy Gwasanaeth Cyhoeddus Gogledd Cymru Rhaglen Ddysgu 2023/24

Date: 29/11/2023 | Location: The OpTIC Technology Centre, St Asaph | Cost: Free


Introduction to Systems Leadership – Part 1    29th November 2023      10.00am – 12.30pm       The OpTIC Technology Centre, St Asaph

Cyflwyniad i Arweinyddiaeth Systemau – Rhan 1    29 Tachwedd 2023    10.00am – 12.30pm        Canolfan Dechnoleg OpTIC, Llanelwy 

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NASP : Latest Evidence for Social Prescribing

Date: 06/12/2023 | Location: Online | Cost: Free



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Performing Medicine Two Day Introductory Course

Date: 22/11/2023 | Location: London | Cost: £225/£112.50


Clod Ensemble Studios, London, SE10 


In person two day course on 22nd and 23rd November - two day course to immerse yourself in their pioneering methodologies and discover how to apply artistic skills to support the healthcare sector.  

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December Network Meeting | Cyfarfod Rhwydwaith mis Rhagfyr

Date: 14/12/2023 | Location: Online via Zoom | Cost:


Join us for a creative, hands-on celebratory network meeting to connect and reflect on the year that's gone by.


Ymunwch â ni mewn cyfarfod rhwydwaith ymarferol dathliadol i gysylltu a myfyrio ar y flwyddyn a fu.

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November Network Meeting | Cyfarfod Rhwydwaith mis Tachwedd

Date: 14/11/2023 | Location: Online | Cost: £0.00


The need for creative approach to tackle health inequalities.


Yr angen am ymagwedd greadigol i fynd i’r afael ag anghydraddoldebau iechyd.

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Nurture Network | Rhydwaith Annog: Skillshare and Wellbeing

Date: 20/11/2023 | Location: The Twyn Community Centre, Caerphilly, Wales, CF83 1JL | Cost: Free


Be a part of the conversation on how the sector can help you support each other!

Funded by Arts Council of Wales, Sharing Together.


Dewch i fod yn rhan o'r sgwrs ynghylch sut y gall y sector eich helpu i gefnogi'ch gilydd!

Ariennir gan Gyngor Celfyddydau Cymru, Cydrannu.

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Marketplace Powys - WAHWN | Y Farchnad Powys - WAHWN

Date: 21/11/2023 | Location: Celf o Gwmpas, Llandrindod Wells | Cost: £0.00


Join WAHWN and colleagues from arts, health and the third sector to connect and network in your local area to improve referrals, creative prescribing and collaborations across arts and health in the Powys region.


Ymunwch â WAHWN a chydweithwyr o’r celfyddydau, iechyd a’r trydydd sector i gysylltu a rhyngweithio yn eich ardal leol i wella atgyfeiriadau, rhagnodi creadigol a chydweithio ar draws y celfyddydau ac iechyd yn rhanbarth Powys.

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Marketplace Cardiff - WAHWN | Y Farchnad Caerdydd - WAHWN

Date: 17/10/2023 | Location: Grange Pavillion, Cardiff | Cost: £0.00


Join WAHWN and colleagues from arts, health and the third sector to connect and network in your local area to improve referrals, creative prescribing and collaborations across arts and health in the Cardiff region.


Ymunwch â WAHWN a chydweithwyr o’r celfyddydau, iechyd a’r trydydd sector i gysylltu a rhyngweithio yn eich ardal leol i wella atgyfeiriadau, rhagnodi creadigol a chydweithio ar draws y celfyddydau ac iechyd yn rhanbarth Caerdydd.

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October Network Meeting | Cyfarfod Rhwydwaith mis Hydref

Date: 19/10/2023 | Location: Online | Cost: £0.00


October’s network meeting will be an opportunity to contribute to WAHWN’s ‘Creative Pathways’ workforce development consultation. 


Bydd cyfarfod rhwydwaith mis Hydref yn gyfle i gyfrannu at ymgynghoriad datblygu’r gweithlu ‘Llwybrau Creadigol’ WAHWN. 

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Creative Ageing Network Meeting | Cyfarfod Rhwydwaith Heneiddio Creadigol

Date: 14/09/2023 | Location: Online | Cost: £0.00


Join us from 10am til 11.30am for our quarterly network meeting to explore the range of creative ageing projects happening across Wales.

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WAHWN September Network Meeting 2023 | Cyfarfod Rhwydwaith mis Medi 2023

Date: 21/09/2023 | Location: Online | Cost: £0.00


Join us for our September Network Meeting.

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Free Zoom Training for Freelancers with Digital Communities Wales

Date: 11/09/2023 | Location: Online via Zoom | Cost: £0.00


Join us on Monday 11th September from 10.30am-12pm for a Zoom Training Session hosted by Digital Communities Wales and Cwmpas.


Ymunwch â ni ddydd Llun 11 Medi rhwng 10.30am a 12pm am Sesiwn Hyfforddi Zoom gyda Cymunedau Digidol Cymru a Cwmpas.

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Why the Arts Are Essential for Health & Wellbeing Webinar

Date: 07/11/2022 | Location: Online | Cost: Free


The latest Welsh NHS Confederation Wellbeing for Wales event.

This webinar aims to raise awareness of the impact that the arts and creativity has on health and wellbeing, including patients and NHS staff. It will provide an opportunity to learn about the practicalities of embedding creative activities to improve population health and wellbeing and what more we can do in Wales to take this work forward.

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Social Value Training

Date: 05/07/2022 | Location: Online | Cost: £25


2 x half day social value training on 5th July 10am - 1pm and 21st July 1.30 - 4.30pm with Bangor University Social Value Hub.  

£25 + booking fee. 


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HARP Online Sharing Events

Date: 17/05/2022 | Location: Online | Cost: Free


Want to know how we can generate, grow and learn from creative innovations that support people’s health and wellbeing in Wales? 

Then don’t miss HARP’s online event series, running lunchtimes during Creativity and Wellbeing Week (17-20 May). 

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HARP Online Sharing Events

Date: 17/05/2022 | Location: Online | Cost: Free


Want to know how we can generate, grow and learn from creative innovations that support people’s health and wellbeing in Wales? 

Then don’t miss HARP’s online event series, running lunchtimes during Creativity and Wellbeing Week (17-20 May). More information and Booking:- 

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Creative Nature WAHWN Network Meeting

Date: 18/02/2022 | Location: Zoom | Cost: Free


Come and learn about the Creative Nature partnership between ACW and Natural Resources Wales aimed at cultivating collaboration between the arts and nature. Friday 18th February, 10am

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Info Engine

Date: 07/07/2021 | Location: Online | Cost: Free


A chance to learn how Infoengine can help to promote the activities and services you offer, and how the public can find out about them.

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Question of Quality Workshops

Date: 04/02/2021 | Location: Zoom | Cost: £60/£25


This series of online workshops will support participants to reflect on their work in the context of health and well-being in order to identify what ‘good’ looks like and learn how to achieve it in practice.

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WAHWN Webinars and Workshops

Date: 04/02/2021 | Location: Zoom | Cost: Various


WAHWN Webinars and Workshops

February and March 2021

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COVID-19 and BAME Communities - the Welsh Government response webinar

Date: 12/11/2020 | Location: Webinar | Cost:


Public Health Wales Network Cymru - Webinar

This session will describe the work of the First Minister’s Advisory Group on health inequalities due to COVID-19 in Black Asian Minority Ethnic (BAME) communities and the Welsh Government response.

The webinar will be delivered by Dr Heather Payne, Senior Medical Officer, Maternal and Child Health, Welsh Government and will include a Question and Answer segment.

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WAHWN Network Meeting

Date: 06/11/2020 | Location: Zoom | Cost: Free


WAHWN Network meeting with Nicola Naismith, artist and researcher 'Artists Practising Well' and other contributors to be confirmed. 

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WAHWN Network meeting

Date: 30/10/2020 | Location: Zoom | Cost: Free


As part of the Green Ribbon Arts Festival WAHWN will host a network meeting on Friday 30th October, 10 - 11.30am with a focus on mental health and the arts, facilitated by Sarah Goodey, Gwent Arts in Health. Contributors include Arts and Health Coordinators from a number of health boards and Rosie Dow, Y Lab Programme Manager, Nesta

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Capturing the Learning

Date: 21/07/2020 | Location: Zoom | Cost: Free


11 - 12.30 21st July 2020.  This WAHWN and Artworks Cymru Zoom meeting will explore how we capture the learning from organisations and artists who are currently delivering projects. We’ll explore what methods are working well, what are we learning through this experience, and how we are adapting our working practices.

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Past  WAHWN training has included:- 

  • ‘The Art of Health in Wales’ Showcase and Symposium - a strategic training and networking event which bought together over 40 arts and health professionals and experts from Wales and the UK, aimed at strengthening the sector in Wales and exploring strategic actions including rallying for Welsh Government representation in the sector as well as linking with the goals outlined in the Well-being of Future Generations Act. Contributors included Cynnal Cymru/Sustain Wales; Sally lewis, ACW; Tim Joss, Aesop and Dr John Wyn Owen. View event summary report and video presentations:
  • Creative & Credible Arts and Health Evaluation training led by Jane Willis of Willis Newson explored key principles and methodologies for evaluating arts for health and wellbeing programmes. Examining the different phases of the Creative and Credible evaluation cycle, the training was aimed at helping participants to understand how to develop a robust and credible evaluation framework appropriate to their project aims and resources; aimed at helping to build a robust evidence base in Wales. View our Knowledge Bank here.