North Wales Social Prescribing Survey

Further to the recent launch of the National Social Prescribing Framework for Wales National framework for social prescribing | GOV.WALES, information is being gathered about the local context of Social Prescribing in North Wales in preparation for taking forward the delivery of this framework under the Regional Partnership Board.


As many of you are aware, Angela has been meeting with partners for the past few months and have had many very positive and interesting conversations.

As promised, please find a link to our North Wales Social Prescribing Study 2024 here.


Please share this survey far and wide with your networks of contacts across the North Wales region - we are hoping to learn as much as possible about all of the various Social Prescribing activity being delivered across the region, and the sources of funding, constraints and interdependencies associated with commissioning, providing, reporting and evaluating these services. We will be reporting our findings and recommendations back to all partners in March 2024.


Can all commissioners and providers of Social Prescribing services please take time to complete the survey by Wednesday 31st January.


Please note some questions can have multiple answers (eg Q3 ‘Which geographic areas do you cover?’) in these instances please tick all boxes that apply.


If you have any questions or issues completing the returns please contact Angela - info@wahwn.cymru directly, or brian.laing@wales.nhs.uk
