Training Events

Creative Reflective Practice with Alison O'Connor and Jain Boon




Online | Ar Lein




A 6-week course starting Monday 7th October to Monday 18th November, 6.30pm - 8pm, online (break on Monday 18th October). More info here



A 6-week course starting Monday 7th October to Monday 18th November, 6.30pm - 8pm, online (break on Monday 18th October).

Book your place here

Being a freelance arts practitioner can be a lonely place. How ya Doing? Creative Reflective Practice is a space to connect with other creative practitioners.

Jain will offer a set of creative somatic exercises to tend to and support your nervous system and bring you to a place of resource so that you can prevent overwhelm. Alison will share a series of exercises, inviting you to reflect on your work and your wellbeing through a compassionate lens.

We intend to create a space where we can support each other and with this in mind we are asking participants to commit to the whole 6 weeks.

This programme is aimed at creative practitioners who are working in mental health settings or supporting participants who are more likely to experience mental health issues, including the criminal justice system, refugees and asylum seekers, survivors of domestic and sexual violence and people who have experienced Adverse Childhood Experiences.

If you are unsure if you fit this criteria, please contact Programme Manager Tracy Breathnach for a chat

Jain Boon - Jain is a theatre maker and trainee Somatic Experiencing Practitioner (Intermediate Level Participant). She is in the process of setting up thisPLACE, a trauma informed dance theatre company with dance artist/Movement Psychotherapist Matilda Tonkin Wells. Jain works with Re-Live Theatre, Sparc Valleys Kids and Music Theatre Wales amongst others. She is passionate about the idea that 'people heal people'. @la_boon

Alison O'Connor - Alison has 25 years experience of groupwork, therapy and theatre in prisons, secure mental health settings, in Romanian orphanages and with military veterans. She is the Co-Founder of Re-Live, an award-winning Arts and Health charity, creating therapeutic life story work with older adults and people affected by trauma and adversity. She is an integrative therapist and clinical supervisor, with a particular interest in compassion-based approaches. She works with humour and gentleness, encouraging practitioners to look after and nurture themselves within the work they do.

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Mae bod yn ymarferydd celfyddydau llawrydd yn gallu bod yn unig. Mae Ymarfer Myfyriol Creadigol Sut Mae’n Mynd? yn lle i gysylltu ag ymarferwyr creadigol eraill.

Bydd Jain yn cynnig set o ymarferion somatig i leddfu a chefnogi eich system nerfol a dod â chi i fan o ddifyrrwch er mwyn i chi osgoi cael eich llethu. Bydd Alison yn rhannu cyfres o ymarferion, gan eich gwahodd i fyfyrio ar eich gwaith a’ch llesiant drwy lens drugarog.

Ein bwriad yw creu man lle gallwn gefnogi ein gilydd a gyda hyn yn ein meddwl rydym ni’n gofyn i’r cyfranogwyr ymrwymo i’r cyfnod llawn o 6 wythnos.

Anelir y rhaglen at ymarferwyr creadigol sy’n gweithio mewn lleoliadau iechyd meddwl neu yn cefnogi cyfranogwyr sy’n fwy tebygol o brofi problemau iechyd meddwl, gan gynnwys y system cyfiawnder troseddol, ffoaduriaid a cheiswyr lloches, goroeswyr trais domestig a rhywiol a phobl sydd wedi cael Profiadau Niweidiol yn ystod Plentyndod. Os nad ydych chi’n siŵr a ydych chi’n bodloni’r meini prawf, cysylltwch â Rheolwr y

Rhaglen Tracy Breathnach am sgwrs

Jain Boon - Mae Jain yn wneuthurwr theatr ac yn Ymarferydd Profi Somatig dan hyfforddiant (Cyfranogwr Lefel Canolraddol). Mae wrthi’n sefydlu thisPLACE, cwmni theatr dawns ar sail trawma gyda’r artist dawns/Seicotherapydd Symud Matilda Tonkin Wells. Mae Jain yn gweithio gyda Theatr Re-Live, Plant y Cymoedd Sparc a Music Theatre Wales ymhlith eraill. Mae’n angerddol dros y syniad fod ‘pobl yn gwella pobl’. @la_boon

Alison O’Connor - Mae gan Alison 25 mlynedd o brofiad mewn waith grŵp, therapi a theatr mewn carchardai, lleoliadau iechyd meddwl diogel, cartrefi plant amddifad yn Romania a gyda chyn-filwyr. Mae’n Gyd-Sylfaenydd Re-Live, elusen Celfyddydau ac Iechyd arobryn, sy’n creu gwaith stori bywyd therapiwtig gydag oedolion hŷn a phobl y mae trawma ac adfyd wedi effeithio arnynt. Mae’n therapydd integreiddiol ac yn oruchwyliwr clinigol, gyda diddordeb arbennig mewn dulliau’n seiliedig ar dosturi. Mae’n gweithio gyda hiwmor a mwynder, gan annog therapyddion i ofalu amdanynt eu hunain a’u meithrin eu hunain o fewn y gwaith a wnânt.
