Training Events
Most Significant Change Training | Cwrs hyfforddi Newid Mwyaf Arwyddocaol
Online | Ar Lein
Free | Am Ddim
This course will introduce the essentials of Most Significant Change technique. It will outline the principles and practice of gathering MSC stories and exploring and learning from them in MSC story selection panels.
Tickets here FULLY BOOKED
Bydd y cwrs hwn yn cyflwyno hanfodion techneg Newid Mwyaf Arwyddocaol. Bydd yn amlinellu egwyddorion ac arferion casglu straeon MSC ac archwilio a dysgu oddi wrthynt mewn paneli dethol straeon MSC.
Tocynnau yma LLAWN
Tickets here FULLY BOOKED
What is DEEP?
DEEP is a co-production approach to gathering, exploring and using diverse types of evidence in learning and development using story and dialogue-based method.
The importance of meaningfully gathering and exploring stories of change.
Outcomes-focused evaluation has long been promoted - particularly in services and programmes focused on change and improvement. Gathering evidence of people’s outcomes is now included in the Social Services Performance and Improvement Framework. However, measuring and gathering change outcomes in ways that are meaningful can be challenging. There is a growing recognition that people’s stories can be more powerful in learning-focussed evaluation. Most Significant Change is a storytelling approach to gathering and exploring change outcomes that was developed in the context of public health and community development (Davies and Dart 2005).
What this course will cover
This course will introduce the essentials of Most Significant Change technique. It will outline the principles and practice of gathering MSC stories and exploring and learning from them in MSC story selection panels.
Who would benefit from this course?
Anyone with an interest in evaluation and in particularly in relation to a service, training course or programme that is focused on change or improvement.
Further information about the course
If you would like to find out more about the course or express an interest in participating, please contact Nick Andrews at:
Tocynnau yma LLAWN
Beth yw DEEP?
Mae DEEP yn ddull cyd-gynhyrchu o gasglu, archwilio a defnyddio mathau amrywiol o dystiolaeth mewn dysgu a datblygu gan ddefnyddio dulliau stori a deialog.
Y pwysigrwydd o gasglu ac archwilio straeon o newid yn ystyrlon.
Mae gwerthuso sy'n canolbwyntio ar ganlyniadau wedi'i hyrwyddo ers amser – yn enwedig mewn gwasanaethau a rhaglenni sydd wedi eu ffocysu ar newid a gwelliant. Mae casglu tystiolaeth o ganlyniadau pobl bellach wedi’i gynnwys yn Fframwaith Perfformiad a Gwella’r Gwasanaethau Cymdeithasol. Er hynny, gall fod yn heriol mesur a chasglu canlyniadau newid mewn ffyrdd ystyrlon. Mae cydnabyddiaeth gynyddol y gall straeon pobl fod yn fwy pwerus mewn gwerthusiad sy’n canolbwyntio ar ddysgu. Mae Newid Mwyaf Arwyddocaol yn ddull adrodd stori o gasglu ac archwilio canlyniadau newid a ddatblygwyd yng nghyd-destun iechyd y cyhoedd a datblygu cymunedol. (Davies a Dart 2005).
Beth fydd y cwrs hwn yn ei gwmpasu
Bydd y cwrs hwn yn cyflwyno hanfodion techneg Newid Mwyaf Arwyddocaol. Bydd yn amlinellu egwyddorion ac arferion casglu straeon MSC ac archwilio a dysgu oddi wrthynt mewn paneli dethol straeon MSC.
Pwy fyddai'n elwa o'r cwrs hwn?
Unrhyw un sydd â diddordeb mewn gwerthuso ac yn enwedig mewn perthynas â gwasanaeth, cwrs hyfforddi neu raglen sy'n canolbwyntio ar newid neu welliant.
Gwybodaeth bellach am y cwrs
Os hoffech chi gael gwybod mwy am y cwrs neu fynegi diddordeb mewn cymryd rhan, cysylltwch â Nick Andrews yn:
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