Training Events
Question of Quality Workshops
This series of online workshops will support participants to reflect on their work in the context of health and well-being in order to identify what ‘good’ looks like and learn how to achieve it in practice.
There is an important role for arts, health and wellbeing post Covid-19 as a source of support for individuals and communities. Whether work supports mental health and wellbeing, tackles loneliness and isolation, or helps build community connectedness, there will be a strong need for it after the immediate crisis of Covid-19 has passed.
Yet, during times of economic insecurity, there will be challenges to face in terms of funding and resources for the arts. The ability to understand, articulate and assure the quality of work will become increasingly important.
This workshop programme will support participants to:
Reflect on their practice and develop a clear understanding of what ‘good’ looks like
Explore the conditions necessary to delivery high quality projects
Better understand how to embed quality in practice.
Negotiate effective partnerships based on a shared commitment to quality
Develop the confidence to promote and celebrate their work
Use a reflective approach to evaluation to ensure continued learning and development.
Look at ways in which we might embed and evidence quality in our work.
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- Arts Council of Wales Mapping Study
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- HEIW (Health Education Improvement Wales)
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- Art Health and Wellbeing Lottery Funding