Training Events
WAHWN May Network Meeting | Cyfarfod Rhwydwaith Mis Mai WAHWN
Online | Ar Lein
Join us for our May network Meeting when we celebrate Creativity & Wellbeing week (Culture, Health & Wellbeing Alliance).
May’s network meeting is a general Spring catch up and networking event as we celebrate the national Creativity and Wellbeing Week. Take time for a breather and hear about some of the innovative and inspirational arts practice that is happening in the sector, as well as having an opportunity to chat with colleagues in breakout groups to share your own work and challenges right now.
Guest Artists:
- Iori Haugen – Music Co-ordinator, Swansea Bay University Health Board, will share some of the programmes that are currently being run for staff and patients in Swansea Bay.
- Claire Hiett – visual artist, will share the work she created during her recent artist residency, which we part-funded through our Go & See grant.
Mae cyfarfod rhwydwaith mis Mai yn gyfle gwanwynol i ddal i fyny a rhwydweithio wrth i ni ddathlu Wythnos Genedlaethol Creadigrwydd a Llesiant. Cymerwch saib i glywed am yr ymarfer celfyddydol arloesol ac ysbrydoledig sydd ar waith yn y sector, yn ogystal â chael cyfle i sgwrsio gyda chydweithwyr mewn grwpiau trafod i rannu eich gwaith a’ch heriau eich hun.
Artistiaid Gwadd:
- Iori Haugen – Bydd Cydlynydd Cerddoriaeth Bwrdd Iechyd Prifysgol Bae Abertawe, yn rhannu rhai o’r rhaglenni sy’n cael eu trefnu ar hyn o bryd i staff a chleifion ym Mae Abertawe.
- Claire Hiett – Bydd yr artist gweledol yn rhannu’r gwaith a grëwyd ganddi yn ystod ei chyfnod artist preswyl diweddar, a gyllidwyd yn rhannol drwy ein grant Mynd i Weld.
Tickets here
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