Training Events
WAHWN March Network Meeting
Online | Ar Lein
An opportunity to connect and share practice, March’s network meeting will focus on Creative Nature in the Arts and Health Sector. Tickets here!
Yn ogystal â chynnig cyfle i gysylltu a rhannu arfer, bydd cyfarfod rhwydwaith mis Mawrth yn canolbwyntio ar Natur Creadigol yn y Celfyddydau ac Iechyd. Tocynnau yma!
An opportunity to hear from a range of creative nature focused projects that are supporting health and wellbeing by bringing communities together, to help build a more sustainable future and encouraging people to value nature and Wales’ outdoor spaces through creative activity.
Contributors include Small Woods/Coed Lleol South Wales Coordinator Alison Moore who will share how through a number of strategic partnerships, they are supporting communities to improve their wellbeing through creative interactions in natural environments, including their ACW Arts and Health Lottery partnership. We’ll also hear from the Fathom Trust’s ‘Making Well’ green prescribing programme supporting mental health and wellbeing through traditional craft making, conservation, and contemplation.
Cyfle i glywed gan amrywiaeth o brosiectau sy’n canolbwyntio ar natur greadigol ac sy’n cefnogi iechyd a llesiant drwy ddod â chymunedau ynghyd, i helpu i greu dyfodol mwy cynaliadwy ac annog pobl i roi gwerth ar natur a’r awyr agored yng Nghymru drwy weithgaredd creadigol.
Ymhlith y cyfranwyr mae Cydlynydd De Cymru Small Woods/Coed Lleol Alison Moore fydd yn rhannu sut maen nhw’n cefnogi cymunedau i wella eu llesiant drwy nifer o bartneriaethau strategol gyda rhyngweithio creadigol mewn amgylcheddau naturiol, gan gynnwys partneriaeth Loteri Genedlaethol Celfyddydau ac Iechyd CCC. Byddwn hefyd yn clywed gan raglen rhagnodi gwyrdd ‘Making Well’ Sefydliad Fathom sy’n cefnogi iechyd meddwl a llesiant drwy grefftau traddodiadol, cadwraeth a myfyrdod.
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