Training Events
Strategies for Wellbeing with Justine Wheatley | Strategaethau ar gyfer Llesiant gyda Justine Wheatley
Online | Ar Lein
from £44
Join freelance consultant and trainer Justine Wheatley for a 2-day online training programme for arts organisations who want to implement sustainable wellbeing support for practitioners and staff.
Tues 30th Jan 2024. 10am - 1pm AND Tues 6th Feb 2024. 10am - 1pm
Who is this for?
The training is relevant for any arts organisation who employ freelance artists and/or have their own delivery team for participatory arts projects. In particular, the training is aimed at organisations who work in health, mental health and wellbeing settings. The course is aimed at senior staff in arts organisations and trustees who support strategic wellbeing in an organisation.
Mawrth 30 Ionawr, 10yb - 1yp A Mawrth 6 Chwefror 2024. 10yb - 1yp
Ar gyfer pwy mae hwn?
Mae’r hyfforddiant yn berthnasol i unrhyw sefydliad celfyddydol sy’n cyflogi artistiaid llawrydd a/neu sydd â’u tîm eu hunain ar gyfer cyflwyno prosiectau celf cyfranogol. Yn benodol, anelir yr hyfforddiant at sefydliadau sy’n gweithio mewn lleoliadau iechyd, iechyd meddwl a llesiant. Anelir y cwrs at staff uwch mewn sefydliadau celfyddydol ac ymddiriedolwyr sy’n cefnogi llesiant strategol mewn sefydliad.
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