Training Events
Why the Arts Are Essential for Health & Wellbeing Webinar
The latest Welsh NHS Confederation Wellbeing for Wales event.
This webinar aims to raise awareness of the impact that the arts and creativity has on health and wellbeing, including patients and NHS staff. It will provide an opportunity to learn about the practicalities of embedding creative activities to improve population health and wellbeing and what more we can do in Wales to take this work forward.
A range of speakers will discuss how Wales is leading the way in embedding the arts and creativity across the NHS. You’ll hear from Sally Lewis on the range of programmes the Arts Council of Wales has developed and their key strategic aims. Dr Clive Grace OBE, of UK Research and Consultancy Services, will provide an overview of the recent evaluation report, commissioned by the Welsh NHS Confederation, on the impact that arts and health coordinators in each health board has had on patient and staff outcomes. Finally, Harriet Lowe will provide insight into the key initiatives the Baring Foundation are supporting here in Wales and what we can learn from other countries.
If you are on Twitter, please tag us using @WelshConfed and the hashtag #WellbeingforWales.
The event will be recorded and shared on the Welsh NHS Confederation YouTube channel, social media and in our newsletter.
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- Art Health and Wellbeing Lottery Funding