Training Events
January Creative Ageing Network Meeting | Cyfarfod Rhwydwaith Heneiddio Creadigol Mis Ionawr
Online | Ar Lein
Join us online from 10am - 11am for our quarterly network meeting to explore the range of creative ageing projects happening across Wales.
Tickets Here
Join our quarterly Wales-wide Creative Ageing network meeting to hear about new arts projects, news and opportunities and to share your work.
We will have a presentation from the Ageing Well in Denbighshire Network, by:
- Holly Evans, Deputy team manager, Adult Social Care & Homelessness Service
- Sian Fitzgerald, Community Arts Manager, Denbighshire Leisure
This meeting is open to everyone who has an interest in creativity for older people. If you would like to be added to the list of members of this sub-network please email Tracy
Tocynnau Yma
Ymunwch â chyfarfod chwarterol rhwydwaith Heneiddio’n Greadigol Cymru Gyfan i glywed am brosiectau celfyddydol newydd, newyddion a chyfleoedd i rannu eich gwaith.
Byddwn yn cael cyflwyniad gan Rwydwaith Heneiddio’n Dda yn Sir Ddinbych gan:
- Holly Evans, Dirprwy reolwr tîm, Gwasanaeth Gofal Cymdeithasol a Digartrefedd Oedolion
- Sian Fitzgerald, Rheolwr Celfyddydau Cymunedol, Hamdden Sir Ddinbych
Mae’r cyfarfod ar agor i bawb sydd â diddordeb mewn creadigrwydd i bobl hŷn. Os hoffech gael eich gosod ar restr aelodau’r is-rwydwaith, ebostiwch Tracy
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