Training Events

WAHWN July Network Meeting




Online | Ar Lein


Free | Am Ddim


Join us for our July Network meeting where we hear about Public Health Wales' 'Hapus' campaign, artist Claire Hiett and AM's Alun Llwyd.

Tickets here | Tocynnau Yma


Join us for a creative conversation as we slow down before the August break.

We will be joined by Emily van de Venter from Public Health Wales to celebrate the launch of the Hapus campaign- a national conversation about mental wellbeing.

We will also hear from artist Claire Hiett, all the way from sunny Cyprus, who will share the work she created as part of her artists residency earlier this year, part-funded by our Go & See grant.

Alun Llwyd, Chief Executive at AM will share more about Wales’ only digital platform (website and app) dedicated to promoting arts and culture in Wales with an aim of ensuring accessible, inclusive and community based engagement.

There will also be an opportunity to network with other members during the session.

Tickets here



Ymunwch â ni am sgwrs greadigol wrth i bethau arafu cyn ein seibiant ym mis Awst. Yn ymuno â ni i ddathlu lansio ymgyrch Hapus, y sgwrs genedlaethol am lesiant meddwl, fydd Emily van de Venter o Iechyd Cyhoeddus Cymru.

Byddwn hefyd yn clywed gan yr artist Claire Hiett, yr holl ffordd o ynys Cyprus, fydd yn rhannu’r gwaith a greodd fel rhan o’i chyfnod yn artist preswyl yn gynt eleni, wedi’i gyllido’n rhannol gan grant Mynd i Weld.

Bydd Alun Llwyd, Prif Weithredwr AM yn rhannu rhagor o wybodaeth am unig lwyfan digidol Cymru (gwefan ac ap) ar gyfer hyrwyddo’r celfyddydau a diwylliant yng Nghymru sydd â’r nod o sicrhau ymgysylltu hygyrch, cynhwysol a chymunedol.

Bydd cyfle hefyd i rwydweithio gydag aelodau eraill yn ystod y sesiwn.

Tocynnau Yma
