Banc Gwybodaeth: Pecynnau Ymchwil
Search here for academic papers and research around a wide range of arts, health and well-being projects.
Chwiliad Cyflym
Creative Ageing: The Directory
This Directory is intended for arts organisations looking for peers, organisations looking for arts partners, and people themselves who might be looking for an activity.
Author: The Baring Foundation
Creativity and Social Prescribing Webinar
Hear from organisations/partnerships using the Social Prescribing model.
Author: NCCH
Cefnogi llesiant preswylwyr hŷn mewn cartrefi gofal Pecyn Cymorth
Mae Age Cymru wedi lansio pecyn cymorth cynhwysfawr i gefnogi lles preswylwyr hŷn mewn cartrefi gofal.
Author: Age Cymru
Supporting the Wellbeing of Older Care Home Residents A toolkit
Age Cymru has launched a comprehensive toolkit to support the wellbeing of older care home residents.
Author: Age Cymru
Performing Anxiety: A resource for audience-facing arts projects about mental health
Performing Anxiety is a resource for people who want to make audience-facing or participatory arts projects about mental health.
Author: Mental Health Foundation
Let’s Talk Preventative Healthcare podcast, episode 18: ‘the transformative impact of creative health’.
Dr Teri Howson-Griffiths, the Arts in Health Strategic Lead for Betsi Cadwaladr University Health Board discusses the transformative impact of participatory arts in healthcare.
Author: Let's Talk Preventative Healthcare Podcast, Dr Teri Howson-Griffiths
SNPTCAN Referral System
Swansea Neath Port Talbot Community Advice Network (SNPT CAN) is a partnership of local advice centres that provide free advice & support. It is for organisations, rather than service users.
All Wales Trauma-Informed Organisation Training
Training by Barnardo's Cymru funded by Welsh Government, aligned to the Welsh Trauma Framework to support a coherent, consistent approach to developing & implementing trauma-informed practice.
Author: Barnardo's Cymru
DCMS Evidence Summary for Policy
The Role of the Arts in Improving Health & Wellbeing
This evidence summary has been commissioned by DCMS in response to the World Health Organisation report “What is the evidence on the role of the arts in improving health and wellbeing?”
Author: Dr Daisy Fancourt
WHO What is the Evidence on the Role of the Arts in Improving Health & Wellbeing. A Scoping Review
Highlighting global evidence on the role of the arts in improving health and wellbeing
Author: WHO
Baring Foundation The Directory
Creatively Minded
Over 300 arts organisations delivering arts and mental health work.
Author: Baring Foundation
cARTrefu Virtual Exhibition
Virtual Exhibition
cARTrefu Virtual Exhibition showcasing the artwork of participants from a number of care homes
Author: Age Cymru
Template Campaign Letter Cymraeg
Welsh translation of the template letter we invite you to share with your local candidates in the run up to the Senedd elections, calling for an Arts and Mental Health Policy
Author: Prue Thimbleby
Launch of National Centre for Creative Health
You Tube Video
500 people from across the UK and internationally attended the launch of the new National Centre for Creative Health on 9th March.
Author: Alex Coulter
Template Campaign Letter
Senedd Welsh Parliament Elections
WAHWN encourages you to use and adapt the template to write to your candidates in the upcoming (May 2021) elections urging them to adopt an Arts Policy for mental health
Author: Prue Thimbleby
Bridging the Divide Webinar
Webinar Recording
A WAHWN webinar led by Jane Willis setting out the health context in Wales and sharing examples of how the arts are addressing health priorities.
Author: WAHWN
HARP Innovation and Scaling Resources
Innovation resources compiled by the Nesta, Y Lab HARP team.
Author: Rosie Dow
Health Inequalities Welsh NHS Confederation
Briefing Paper
Briefing paper on how the arts can help address health inequalities.
Author: Welsh NHS Confederation
Question of Quality Resources
Reading List and Links
A useful list of reading and resources in relation to the question of quality in arts health and wellbeing
Author: Jane Willis
Voluntary Code of Practice for Arts in Health Practitioners
A professional Code of Practice template for arts health and wellbeing practitioners informed by feedback from workshop practitioners at WAHWN Question of Quality training 2020.
Author: Jane Willis
Arts for Health and Wellbeing Quality Framework
Quality Framework Template for arts, health and wellbeing projects informed by workshop delegates at WAHWN Question of Quality workshops led by Jane Willis, Willis Newson in February 2021.
Author: Jane Willis
Quality Considerations for Online and Remote Working
Delivering arts and health on line
A useful list of considerations for preparing and delivering online and remote arts and health projects informed by artist practitioners attending WAHWN Question of Quality workshops.
Author: Jane Willis
How the Arts Are Supporting the Welsh Health and Social Care Response to Covid 19
Welsh NHS Confederation Briefing highlighting how the arts are supporting health and social care in response to Covid-19
Author: Welsh NHS Confederation
HARP Useful Links Arts and Covid 19
Resource Links
A useful list of resources in relation to Arts and Covid-19
Author: Rosie Dow
Mindful Photography for Troubled Times
This eBook will help you to develop mindful attitudes through photography. Mindful Photography Activities are included which encourage the development of nine mindful attitudes through photography.
Author: Lee Aspland
WAHWN Case Study Webinar Video
WAHWN Case Study Webinar
A 2 hour webinar introducing the new WAHWN case study template facilitated by Jane Willis, Willis Newson.
Author: WAHWN
ArtWorks Cymru Quality Principles
These are designed to help you think about how to make the good work you do even better, to show the value of this practice, and to make sure participants get the best experiences possible.
Author: ArtWorks Cymru
Dementia and Imagination Research Summary 1
Research Summary 1: Exploring the theoretical foundations of visual art programmes for people living with dementia.
Author: Dr. Gill Windle
Egwyddorion Ansawdd Artworks Cymru
Beth mae "ansawdd" yn ei olygu pan fyddwch yn creu gwaith gyda phobl? Sut fyddwn ni’n gwybod pan fyddwn yn gweld / teimlo / clywed ansawdd? Beth sydd angen i ni ei wneud i sicrhau ansawdd?
Author: Rhian Hutchings
Pecyn Cymorth Artistiaid mewn Ysbytai
Mae'r canllaw hwn wedi'i gynhyrchu gan dîm bach o unigolion sydd wedi rhannu eu dealltwriaeth o'r materion hyn o wahanol swyddi o fewn maes Celfyddydau ac Iechyd.
Author: Prue Thimbleby
Artist's Handbook: A Guide for Artists Working in the Hospital Environment
This guide has been produced by a small team of individuals who have shared their understanding of these issues from different positions within the field of Arts and Health.
Author: Prue Thimbleby
Artist and Partner Toolkit - Towards Creative Partnerships
This Toolkit was developed from conversations between Addo and Dr. Susan Liggett (Glyndwr University) around issues of developing quality artist projects.
Author: Addo and Dr. Susan Liggett