WAHWN Cymraeg

In this section you will be able to find robust and credible resources in Welsh.

Chwarae Materol | Material Play

Prosiect Tecstiliau er lles wedi’i ariannu gan Cyngor Celfyddydau Cymru Arts Council Wales Textiles for wellbeing funded project

Author: Ffion Evans

SNPTCAN Referral System

Swansea Neath Port Talbot Community Advice Network (SNPT CAN) is a partnership of local advice centres that provide free advice & support. It is for organisations, rather than service users.


Here Now Yma Nawr

A short contemplative film to mark the soul's entry and exit from the earth plane through lunar cycles, turning inward, grief, loss, soothing, longing and belonging.

Author: Ruth Jones

Doniau Cudd/Hidden Talents

Hidden Talents/Doniau Cudd is an accessible music project tackling loneliness through music for people with learning disabilities, organised by Canolfan Gerdd William Mathias in North Wales.

Author: Canolfan Gerdd William Mathias. Film produced by Amcan.Cymru

Dementia a Dychymyg

Crynodeb Ymchwil 1: Archwilio sylfeini theoretaidd rhaglenni celf weledol i bobl sy'n byw gyda dementia.

Author: Dr. Gill Windle

Egwyddorion Ansawdd Artworks Cymru

Beth mae "ansawdd" yn ei olygu pan fyddwch yn creu gwaith gyda phobl? Sut fyddwn ni’n gwybod pan fyddwn yn gweld / teimlo / clywed ansawdd? Beth sydd angen i ni ei wneud i sicrhau ansawdd?

Author: Rhian Hutchings

Pecyn Cymorth Artistiaid mewn Ysbytai

Mae'r canllaw hwn wedi'i gynhyrchu gan dîm bach o unigolion sydd wedi rhannu eu dealltwriaeth o'r materion hyn o wahanol swyddi o fewn maes Celfyddydau ac Iechyd.

Author: Prue Thimbleby
