Dementia and Imagination Research Summary 1

Authors(s), Creator(s) and Contributors: Dr. Gill Windle, T Howson Griffiths, T Gregory, S O'Brien, D Newman, A Goulding

Publication Date: 15/09/2017

Categories: Whitepapers / Research, Resource Packs / Kits


What is ‘Dementia and Imagination’? Dementia and Imagination was a large arts and science collaboration of universities, artists, charities and providers of cultural services. Our programme of work explored how arts activities:

  • Are beneficial to people living with dementia and those who care for them.
  • Help us understand the experience of living with dementia.
  • Help raise public awareness of living with dementia.

We did this through five inter-linked projects. This research summary highlights the first phase of a project.

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Tags: dementia, depression, research, art, science, visual art, cognitive processes, social connectedness

Dementia and Imagination Research Summary 1