ArtWorks Cymru Quality Principles

Authors(s), Creator(s) and Contributors: ArtWorks Cymru, Rhian Hutchings, Ruth Garnault, Miranda Ballin, Melaneia Warwick, Kathryn Williams, David Baxter, WNO Youth & Community Team, Bethan Marlowe, Angharad Evans, Cerian Black, Gareth Coles

Publication Date: 01/01/2016

Categories: Resource Packs / Kits, Tools

Supporter(s)/Funder(s): Arts Council Wales


The journey to create these principles started with a big discussion in Carmarthen. We asked lots of questions - what does ‘quality’ mean when you are creating work with people? How do we know when we see / feel / hear quality? What do we need to do to ensure quality? We didn’t really have a framework to help us structure our conversation. Arts Council of Wales asked us to create the ArtWorks Cymru Quality Principles to move the conversation on. They will give you a way to talk about quality that can be used by everyone who is making participatory arts. We expect artists and arts organisations to be the main stakeholders that use the quality principles, but we hope you will share them with your partners and use them in practice. They are designed to help you to think about how to make the good work you do even better, to show the value of this practice, and to make sure participants get the best experiences possible.

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Tags: arts, participatory, wales, artworks, quality, principles, guidelines, project

ArtWorks Cymru Quality Principles