Banc Gwybodaeth: Papurau Gwyn / Ymchwil

Search here for academic papers and research around a wide range of arts, health and well-being projects.

An Introduction to Creative Health

Making the case for creative health published in SAGE Journal

Author: Dr Catherine Jenkins, Kathryn Lambert and Dr Will Mackintosh

Pioneering Insights into Social Prescribing Pathways

Read about our groundbreaking new study, providing the first comprehensive analysis of social prescribing across diverse referral pathways in the UK.

Author: University College London, Social Biobehavioral Research Group, Professor Daisy Fancourt

Cynllun Cyfiawnder Hinsawdd a’r Celfyddydau

Mae pobl ledled y byd yn profi effeithiau dychrynllyd newid yn yr hinsawdd. Gyda’n gilydd, fel dinasyddion y byd, mae angen inniweithredu ar unwaith i roi sylw i’r argyfyngau hinsawdd a natur.

Author: Cyngor Celfyddydau Cymru, Chyfoeth Naturiol Cymru

A Plan for Climate Justice and the Arts

Across the world, humanity is experiencing the devastating effects of climate change. Together, as citizens of the world, we need to take urgent action to address the climate and nature emergencies.

Author: Arts Council of Wales, Natural Resources Wales

Creatively Minded and in Recovery

Exploring participatory arts for people with addictions.

Author: Dr Cathy Sloan

New research UCL linking arts to longer healthier lives

A new report summarising UCL Social Biobehavioural Research Groups work using cohort study data to explore the impact of the arts on population health

Author: UCL

The Work Hurts

Artist support and supervision

The Work Hurts by Alison O'Connor, USW, exploring the emotional impact on arts practitioners of working in health, social care and participatory settings published by the Journal of Arts and Health

Author: Alison O'Connor

From Surviving to Thriving

Building a model for sustainable practice in creativity and mental health

The report follows a 6-month project to understand how we might help more people and organisations using creativity to support mental health to survive and thrive.

Author: Culture Health & Wellbeing Alliance

HARP research included in Public Health Wales research and evaluation conference

Art in the time of Covid: how did creative innovation support people’s health and wellbeing during the pandemic in Wales?

The HARP programme's researcher Dr Sofia Vougioukalou was invited to share interim outcomes from the HARP programme. .

Author: Sofia Vougioukalou

Early results of Covid on arts and health practitioners

Practitioner Feedback

In April and May 2020, 220 culture, health and wellbeing organisations and practitioners

Author: Culture Health and Wellbeing Alliance

'Reconstructing Ourselves' - An arts and research project improving patient experience

Swansea Bay University Health Board and Swansea University visual arts and storytelling project with women undergoing complex breast reconstruction.

Author: Prue Thimbleby, Swansea Bay UHB and Sarah Wright, Swansea University

Creative Conversations

An arts inspired development programme for the dementia care workforce

The aim of this research was to develop skills of dementia care staff using the arts.

Author: Dr Katherine Algar-Skaife

The Arts in Dementia Care

Dementia and Imagination

The role of the arts in Dementia and Imagination research project. Presented at WAHWN conference Jan 24/2019

Author: Prof. Gill Windle & Dr Carys Jones

Literature In the Community

Dementia, depression, and the "reading cure"

PDF file to accompany a presentation by Helen Wilcox, (Professor of English Literature at Bangor University) at WAHWN conference Jan 2019.

Author: Prof. Helen Wilcox

cARTrefu: Creating artists in residents. A national arts in care homes participatory and mentoring programme. Evaluation report 2015-2017.

The cARTrefu project is delivered by Age Cymru, funded by the Baring Foundation and Arts Council of Wales. This evaluation by DSDC Wales, Bangor University was launched in the Senedd in October 2017.

Author: Katherine Algar-Skaife

Exploring digital fiction as a tool for teenage body image bibliotherapy

Research article describing results of pilot study on digital fiction use for bibliotherapy and expressive writing in teenagers in Wales.

Author: Astrid Ensslin

Dementia a Dychymyg

Crynodeb Ymchwil 1: Archwilio sylfeini theoretaidd rhaglenni celf weledol i bobl sy'n byw gyda dementia.

Author: Dr. Gill Windle

Dementia and Imagination Research Summary 1

Research Summary 1: Exploring the theoretical foundations of visual art programmes for people living with dementia.

Author: Dr. Gill Windle

Dementia and Imagination: Research Summary 2

Research Summary 2: the impact of a visual arts programme on quality of life, communication and well-being of people living with dementia.

Author: Dr. Gill Windle

Egwyddorion Ansawdd Artworks Cymru

Beth mae "ansawdd" yn ei olygu pan fyddwch yn creu gwaith gyda phobl? Sut fyddwn ni’n gwybod pan fyddwn yn gweld / teimlo / clywed ansawdd? Beth sydd angen i ni ei wneud i sicrhau ansawdd?

Author: Rhian Hutchings

Dementia and Imagination: a mixed-methods protocol for arts and science research

Dementia and Imagination is a multidisciplinary research collaboration bringing together arts & science to address current evidence limitations around the benefits of art activities in dementia care.

Author: Dr. Gill Windle

Reconstructing Ourselves-An arts and research project improving patient experience

Reconstructing Ourselves' was an eighteen-month arts project that brought together a visual artist, a storyteller and a qualitative researcher.

Author: Prue Thimbleby

Dance to Health

Dance to Health, smuggles evidence-based exercise programmes into creative, social and engaging dance activity

Author: Aesop
