From Surviving to Thriving
Authors(s), Creator(s) and Contributors: Culture Health & Wellbeing Alliance , BY VICTORIA HUME AND MINOTI PARIKH
Publication Date: 22/02/2022
Categories: Whitepapers / Research, Evaluation / Reports
Supporter(s)/Funder(s): The Baring Foundation
Building a model for sustainable practice in creativity and mental health
This research project was led by the Culture, Health & Wellbeing Alliance (CHWA), a free-to-join national membership organisation for everyone
invested in the relationship between culture, creativity, health and wellbeing. Our vision is a healthy world powered by our creativity and imagination, and our mission is to build a common understanding that creativity and culture are integral to health and wellbeing. This is an approach that engages with prevention and health-creation not just treatment and disease; is asset-based and holistic; and is communal, collective and co-produced. This report has been compiled by Victoria Hume, Executive Director of CHWA, and Minoti Parikh, an independent facilitator and researcher.
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Tags: health, arts, mental health, creativity,