Case Study: English National Ballet/National Dance Company Wales Dance for Parkinson’s Class
Authors(s), Creator(s) and Contributors: Guy O'Donnell
Publication Date: 25/08/2019
Categories: Case Studies
Supporter(s)/Funder(s): The project has been and is funded by ENB, Western Power Distribution, Caerphilly Borough Council, The Moon Dance Foundation, The Community Fund and The Hodge Foundation.
Dance for Parkinsons Class, Dance House, Cardiff and Blackwood Miners Institute
In Partnership with English National Ballet our Dance for Parkinson's classes are a fun and informal way for to discover the themes of our dance pieces. Dance for Parkinson's has been proven to support people with Parkinson’s to develop confidence and strength, whilst temporarily relieving some participants of symptoms in everyday life. Classes are expressive, creative and promote feelings of freedom from the physical and social constraints of having Parkinson’s. English National Ballet’s Dance for Parkinson’s programme has been running since 2008. We are proud to be part of the Dance for PD membership, to support Dance for Parkinson’s Partnership and People Dancing and to have an affiliation with Parkinson’s UK. ENB's national Dance for Parkinson’s programme enjoys close links with Parkinson’s UK and the European Parkinson’s Disease Association EPDA.
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Tags: Parkinsons, Dance, NDCWales, ENB, Dance House, Blackwood Miners Institute,