Knowledge Bank: Articles / Interviews

Search here for a wide range of arts, health and well-being related articles and interviews submitted by our members.

Creativity and Social Prescribing Webinar

Hear from organisations/partnerships using the Social Prescribing model.

Author: NCCH

An Introduction to Creative Health

Making the case for creative health published in SAGE Journal

Author: Dr Catherine Jenkins, Kathryn Lambert and Dr Will Mackintosh

How and why does creativity support wellbeing? New learnings

Findings, recommendations and main outputs from our recent creativity and wellbeing project and introduces a new pathways model.

Author: Ingrid Abreu Scherer

Social Value of Movement and Dance

Movement, dance and exercise are understood to have significant benefits for physical and mental wellbeing.

Author: Sport and Recreation Alliance

Creative Ageing What Next?

Essays Compiled by the Baring Foundation

A short collection of essays from practitioners in creative ageing about what a future agenda for the movement might look like

Author: The Baring Foundation

A Private Land / Tir Diarffordd blog.

A brief account of A Private Land / Tir Diarffordd: a participatory arts project with Susan Adams and Penny Hallas. Written for Powys Experts by Experience

Author: Penny Hallas and Susan Adams

New outdoor spaces at Swansea Bay hospitals

commemorate the pandemic

A poignant and lasting outdoor tribute to the impact of the Covid-19 pandemic in Swansea and Neath Port Talbot is being unveiled from this week, beginning with a special event in Morriston Hospital.

Author: SBUHB

WHO What is the Evidence on the Role of the Arts in Improving Health & Wellbeing. A Scoping Review

Highlighting global evidence on the role of the arts in improving health and wellbeing

Author: WHO

The Work Hurts

Artist support and supervision

The Work Hurts by Alison O'Connor, USW, exploring the emotional impact on arts practitioners of working in health, social care and participatory settings published by the Journal of Arts and Health

Author: Alison O'Connor

The need for robust critique of research on social and health impacts of the arts

Stephen Clift, et al. (2021): The need for robust critique of research on social and health impacts of the arts, Cultural Trends,

Author: Stephen Clift, Kate Phillips and Stephen Pritchard

Self Care Guardian Article

how a radical feminist idea was stripped of politics for the mass market

Audre Lorde proposed a series of calming activities as a way to survive adversity. Now it’s just another form of ‘me time’

Author: Andre Spicer

National Art Collection Supporting NHS staff wellbeing

National art collection supporting NHS staff wellbeing at the Staff Haven, Lakeside, Cardiff

Author: Stephanie Roberts

Press Release Welsh NHS Briefing Paper May 2020

Press release accompanying the Welsh NHS Confederation May briefing paper focusing on how the arts are supporting and health and social care thorugh the Covid-19 crisis.

Author: Welsh NHS Confederation

Arts to Improve health and wellbeing in social care Welsh NHS Confederation Briefing Paper

Briefing paper prepared by the Welsh NHS Confederation in advance of the February 2020 Cross Party Group on Arts and Health.

Author: Welsh NHS Confederation

Breakin for Better Mental Health

Teacher uses own experiences to help students express

Article on Avant's teacher Jamie Berry

Author: BBC

Concerts and Cakes

Live Music Now in the Community

Author: Heather Chandler

'Reconstructing Ourselves' - An arts and research project improving patient experience

Swansea Bay University Health Board and Swansea University visual arts and storytelling project with women undergoing complex breast reconstruction.

Author: Prue Thimbleby, Swansea Bay UHB and Sarah Wright, Swansea University
