Sefydliadau Cyllid a Chymorth

Here you can search for funders who have supported arts and health work and key policy makers in Wales.

Rebecca Hardy-Griffith

Rebecca Hardy-Griffith

Funders & Policy Makers, Arts Organisation Representative | Location: North East Wales, North West Wales

Development officer in Arts, Health and Wellbeing working part-time.

Aled Jones

Aled Jones

Creative Practitioners, Funders & Policy Makers, Educators & Trainers | Location: North East Wales, North West Wales, Mid Wales, South East Wales, South West Wales

Area of Art: Mixed Media, Audio Video, Digital

Freelance project manager with extensive experience of working within the Arts and Health sector. Managed the Cultural Cwtsh project, a creative wellbeing resource for health and social care workers, on behalf of the Arts Council of Wales.

Dan Allen

Dan Allen

Funders & Policy Makers | Location: South East Wales

Development Officer for Arts, Health and Wellbeing at the Arts Council of Wales.



Funders & Policy Makers, Researchers, Professional Services | Location: South East Wales

Having led on Arts & Health at ACW during a period of rapid growth, I am now a freelance Arts & Health consultant & project manager. I have experience of developing strategy / policy / public partnerships; scoping studies; advocacy; funding & devising programmes to embed the arts within the NHS.

Baring Foundation

Baring Foundation

The Baring Foundation is an independent grant-maker which protects and advances human rights and promotes inclusion. Since 2020, our Arts funding programme has focused on creative opportunities for people with mental health problems.

Anthem Music Fund Wales

Anthem Music Fund Wales

Funders & Policy Makers, Arts Organisation Representative | Location: North East Wales, North West Wales, Mid Wales, South East Wales, South West Wales

Anthem’s vision is a Wales in which music can empower every young life. Music is a potent creative force for young people that feeds self-expression, personal development and wellbeing. Anthem enables access to music and nurtures diverse talent to take the next steps to musical careers.

Will Tregaskes

Will Tregaskes

Funders & Policy Makers, Arts Organisation Representative | Location: North East Wales, North West Wales, Mid Wales, South East Wales, South West Wales

Arts & Business Cymru promotes, enables, develops and sustains mutually beneficial partnerships between business and the arts. The Arts Development team works with our members across Wales to support skill development and income generation. Interested? Email us for a introduction to A&B Cymru

Emily van de Venter

Emily van de Venter

Health & Social Care, Funders & Policy Makers, Local Authorities & Public Services | Location: North East Wales, North West Wales, Mid Wales, South East Wales, South West Wales

Consultant in Health Improvement working in Public Health Wales with a focus on promoting mental wellbeing. Previous experience in commissioning and evaluating arts and health initiatives and working within partnership settings across health, local authorities, academia and cultural organisations.

Together for Change

Together for Change

Health & Social Care, Funders & Policy Makers, Researchers | Location: South West Wales

TfC is a Pembrokeshire-wide partnership programme and a collaboration between Solva Care, PAVS and PLANED bringing together third- and public-sector organisations to establish a positive legacy from the pandemic, and build on the contribution of community-led action to people’s health & wellbeing.

Suzanne Griffiths-Rees

Suzanne Griffiths-Rees

Funders & Policy Makers, Arts Organisation Representative | Location: South West Wales

I am a Development Officer at the Arts Council of Wales with a background in music. I sit on the Arts and Health Programme Development Group within the Arts Council.

Age Cymru / Gwanwyn

Age Cymru / Gwanwyn

Age Cymru is the largest charity working with and for older people in Wales. Our vision is to create an age friendly Wales. Gwanwyn is a month-long national festival held across Wales in May each year celebrating creativity in older age.
