Rhestr Aelodau WAHWN
Mae’r adran hon yn eich galluogi i gysylltu ag aelodau eraill o’r Rhwydwaith ar gyfer rhannu gwybodaeth a chydweithio. I greu eich Proffil Aelod WAHWN, ewch i’r Ardal Defnyddwyr.
Cliciwch gategori isod i weld rhagor o Aelodau Rhwydwaith o’r categori hwnnw.
Chwiliad Cyflym
Ydych chi'n chwilio am…

Teri Howson-Griffiths
Health & Social Care, Researchers | Location: North East Wales, North West Wales
Arts in Health Strategic Lead for the North Wales Health Board (BCUHB), part-time. I also work for Liverpool John Moores University 2 days as a Lecturer. My background is in applied, community and participatory arts. I previously worked on the Dementia and Imagination study at Bangor University.

Health & Social Care | Location: North East Wales, North West Wales
Outside Lives connects people living across Flintshire and Denbighshire in North Wales. All our activities are focused around improving the wellbeing of people and our planet.
Website | Email | 07939655374

Vivian Rhule
Creative Practitioners, Educators & Trainers, Nature & Environment | Location: South West Wales
Area of Art: Visual Art, Painting
Vivian Rhule Artist cymunedol gweledol / Community Visual artist Dygswr / Welsh learner also: Mediums: Wet Felt making-Drawing-Painting-simple Printing and some textiles. I can work with all ages -Community groups. In a way that can be designed and tailored to the needs of the group or persons
Website | Email | 07969343053