
Every effort has been made to make the WAHWN site as accessible as possible, including careful choice of colour palette and font sizes to allow for ease of reading. However, your browser has some options which can help if you require.

Making text larger

Pressing 'CTRL +' (Windows) or 'Cmd +' (Mac) will increase (zoom in) page content size in increments.
Pressing 'CTRL -' (Windows) or 'Cmd -' (Mac) will decrease (zoom out) page content size in increments.
Pressing 'CTRL 0' (Windows) or 'Cmd 0' (Mac) will set the page zoom back to default size.

Screen Readers

Your device has a built in screen reader, which will read all text content on the site. 

Using Screen Reader for Windows devices 

Using 'Voice Over' for Mac devices

Using Screen Reader on Android devices

Using Screen Reader on iPhone/iPad devices

Get In Touch

If you have any questions about accessibility of the WAHWN site, then please contact us.
