Creative Health Marketplaces

WAHWN’s free marketplace events take place across in community venues across Wales, offering colleagues from Wales’ arts, health and third sectors an opportunity to connect and network locally.  
Funded by the National Lottery ‘Awards for All Wales’, they will take place bi-monthly during 2024 with the aim to improve referrals, creative prescribing and collaborations across arts and health in Wales’ regions.  
"Our marketplaces are ‘speed-dating’ events that build strong relationships. They join the dots; improve referrals; enable creative prescribing and collaborations; support social connection"  -- Angela Rogers, Executive Director, WAWHN 
You can find out more about our upcoming marketplace events and to book, visit our Eventbrite page here


Swansea - Marketplace

Tues 16 July, 10am - 11.30am | HQ Urban Kitchen, Swansea

Tickets here


Tues 16 July,

10am - 11.30am

HQ Urban Kitchen

Our Arts & Health Marketplaces are regional networking events for colleagues in the arts, health and the third sector who want to improve connections and referral pathways into creative projects.

Meet colleagues from across Swansea who are interested in arts, health and wellbeing. We will have a few short presentations from colleagues working in the sector before breaking out into small groups for networking.

Gwynedd - Marketplace

Tues 18 June, 10am - 11.30am | Pontio, Bangor

Tickets here


Tue 18 June

10am - 11.30am

Pontio, Bangor

Our Arts & Health Marketplaces are regional networking events for colleagues in the arts, health and the third sector who want to improve connections and referral pathways into creative projects.

Meet colleagues from across Gwynedd who are interested in arts, health and wellbeing. We will have a few short presentations from colleagues working in the sector before breaking out into small groups for networking.

Denbigh - Marketplace

Tues 04 June, 10am - 11.30am | Ruthin Craft Centre, LL15 1BB

Tickets here


Tues 04 June,

10am - 11.30am

Ruthin Craft Centre

Our Arts & Health Marketplaces are regional networking events for colleagues in the arts, health and the third sector who want to improve connections and referral pathways into creative projects.

Meet colleagues from across Denbighshire who are interested in arts, health and wellbeing. We will have a few short presentations from colleagues working in the sector before breaking out into small groups for networking.

Newport - Marketplace

Weds 17 April, 1.30pm - 3pm | The Place, Newport

Tickets here


Weds 17 April 2024

1.30pm - 3pm

The Place, Newport

Our Arts & Health Marketplaces are regional networking events for colleagues in the arts, health and the third sector who want to improve connections and referral pathways into creative projects.

Meet colleagues from across the county who are interested in arts, health and wellbeing. We will have a few short presentations from colleagues working in the sector before breaking out into small groups for networking.

Carmarthenshire - Marketplace

Tues 19 March, 12pm - 2pm | Nurture Centre, Carms, SE31 1QG

Tickets here


Tues 19 March 2024

12pm - 2pm

Nurture Centre, Carmarthen

Our Arts & Health Marketplaces are regional networking events for colleagues in the arts, health and the third sector who want to improve connections and referral pathways into creative projects.

Meet colleagues from across the county who are interested in arts, health and wellbeing. We will have a short presentation from Nurture Centre and Arts Care Gofal Celf before breaking out into small gorups for networking.

Bridgend - Marketplace

Thurs 29 Feb, 10am - 11.30am | Carnegie House, Bridgend, CF31 1EF

Tickets here


Thurs 29 February 2024

10am – 11.30am

Carnegie House, Bridgend


Our Arts & Health Marketplaces are regional networking events for colleagues in the arts, health and the third sector who want to improve connections and referral pathways into creative projects.

Meet colleagues from across the county who are interested in arts health and wellbeing. We will have a short presentation from the Arts & Health team at Cwm Taf Morgannwg Health Board who have been working with BAVOAwen and Tanio to create a model for Creative Prescribing in the county.
