LIVE STREAM - WEAVE | GWEHYDDU Arts and Mental Health Conference


How can the arts and creativity support mental wellbeing in Wales?

Join artists, health practitioners, policymakers, and academics to explore the new frontier in health and wellbeing – the arts – at Wales’ first arts and health conference, ‘Weave’.


Book your place here.


10.30am - 10.35am: Welcome from Tracy Breathnach, WAHWN

10.35am - 10.55am: Arts and Mental Health in Wales and the UK with Lynne Neagle, Sally Lewis, David Culter and Peter Carr

10.55am - 11.00am: Dancing Well with Amy Dowden (film)

11.40am - 12.10pm: The need for a creative approach to tackle mental health inequalities, chaired by Emily van de Venter with Dr Habib Navqi, Lexi Ireland and Nerys Edmonds

1.30pm - 1.45pm: Performance from Oasis One World Choir

1.45pm - 2.15pm: Looking after the mental wellbeing of the health and creative workforce, chaired by Nesta Lloyd-Jones, Oliver John and Angie Oliver with Dr Thania Acaron, Aled Jones and Johan Skre

3.00pm - 3.30pm: Embedding the Arts into Regional and Local Partnerships, chaired by Nina Ruddle with Professor Alec Shepley, Helen Goddard and Dr Teri Howson-Griffiths

4.10pm - 4.40pm: Plenary with Derek Walker and Connor Allen

4.40pm - 5.00pm: Closing Comments with Nina Ruddle, Sally Lewis, Emily Van De Venter, Nesta Lloyd-Jones, Oliver John, Angie Oliver and Peter Carr


Weave is organised by the Wales Arts, Health and Wellbeing Network, with funding by the Arts Council of Wales and the Baring Foundation.
