Amser 'di warchod i greu gyda'r teulu - Protected time to create with the family

19/06/2024 | Author: Rowenna Williams : Celf Gwyllt Cymru - Wild Art Wales

Mae Autistic Haven CBC yn cyflwyno Arddangosfa Gelf sy’n arddangos y creadigaethau hardd a wnaed gan deuluoedd lleol dros y 7 mis diwethaf. Autistic Haven CIC is presenting an Art Exhibition showcasing the beautiful creations made by local families over the past 7 months.

Yn 2023, rhoddwyd cyllid i Autistic Haven gan Unltd i gynnal sesiynau celf a chrefft i rieni a phlant. Darparodd y sesiynau hyn amgylchedd meithringar a chreadigol i deuluoedd â phlant Awtistig yn y Bala a’r ardaloedd cyfagos ymlacio a chael hwyl.
Dan arweiniad Rowenna Williams o Gelf Gwyllt Cymru, mae teuluoedd wedi bod yn cymryd rhan weithredol mewn sesiynau ddwywaith y mis i ddysgu sgiliau newydd a chreu amrywiaeth o waith celf, yn amrywio o greaduriaid plastr paris i eneidiau'r gwanwyn ac addurniadau Nadolig i'r Pasg.
Dywedodd un o'r mamau a fynychodd y sesiynau am ei merch - "Yn ystod y sesiynau gwnaeth ffrindiau sy'n beth enfawr iddi. Bu'n rhyngweithio ag oedolion a phlant eraill. Bu'n archwilio gwahanol weithgareddau ac yn wahanol i hobïau a gweithgareddau eraill rydym wedi rhoi cynnig arnynt roedd hi bob amser yn gadael gan ddweud ei bod hi'n teimlo'n 'ffantastig'. Roedd y cyfleusterau wedi cael effaith enfawr ar ei gallu i drosglwyddo. Roedd meddwl di mynd i bopeth.... Rydych chi wedi cael effaith enfawr ar ein bywydau. Byddaf yn ddiolchgar am byth.”

Nod yr arddangosfa yw chwalu camsyniadau am blant Awtistig, i ledaenu negeseuon cadarnhaol am eu creadigrwydd, a dathlu amrywiaeth o fewn ein cymuned.
Cynhelir yr arddangosfa Gelf ar benwythnos Mehefin 29 a 30, 10am-4pm, yng Nghanolfan Mary Jones, Llanycil, Y Bala ac mae ar agor i'r cyhoedd. Edrychwn ymlaen i'ch croesawu i'r arddangosfa.
Am fwy o wybodaeth cysylltwch a Janatha Carden,


In 2023, Autistic Haven was granted funding from Unltd to host arts and crafts sessions for parents and children. These sessions provided a nurturing and creative environment for families with Autistic children in Bala and surrounding areas to relax and have fun.
Led by Rowenna Williams of Wild Art Wales, families have been actively participating in sessions twice a month to learn new skills and create a variety of art and craft work, ranging from plaster paris creatures to spring sprites and from Christmas to Easter decorations.
One of the mothers who attended the sessions commented about her daughter - "During the sessions she made friends which is a huge thing for her. She interacted with both adults and other children. She explored different activities and unlike other hobbies and activities we have tried she always left stating she was feeling ‘fantastic’. The facilities we well thought out which had a huge impact on her ability to transition. Literally everything has been thought of.... You’ve had a huge impact on our lives. I will be forever grateful."

The exhibition aims to dispel misconceptions about Autistic children, to spread positive messages about their creativity, and celebrate the diversity within our community.
The Art exhibition will take place at the weekend of June 29th and 30th, 10 am—4 pm, at The Mary Jones Centre, Llanycil, Bala and is open to the general public. We look forward to welcoming you to the exhibition.
For more information, contact Janatha Carden,

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Amser 'di warchod i greu gyda'r teulu - Protected time to create with the family