Uploading your own news, resources and opportunities
05/12/2023 | Author: Becca May Collins
Looking for a bit of support on how to upload your own information to the WAHWN website? Click here to see a tutorial video or download written instructions.
Why upload onto our website?
Having your information on our website means that it is accessible to all WAHWN members and other site visitors, making your news, resources or opportunities are visible to the whole arts, health and wellbeing sector. If you want your information to be shared in our popular sector-specific newsletter, listing it on our website first, via our User Area is the way to go.
To do this, follow the steps below.
Step-by-Step Guide
1) Log in to your WAHWN account
or sign up as a WAHWN member here
2) Go to the User Area
3) Select the type of resource you’d like to submit
4) Enter your information into the yellow form
5) Press the pink ‘Submit’ button
6) Check you are redirected to the ‘submission confirmed’ page.
If not, press the button again, or return to the User Area and try again.
If problems persist, please contact info@wahwn.cymru
Further help and guidance
A PDF version of the above steps that includes pictures is available. Please contact Becca by emailing coordinator@wahwn.cymru
WAHWN has other written help and guidance on it’s website. This help and guidance is also available to download as a PDF.
If you need any urgent support or want to know more, please contact Angela, WAHWN Director: info@wahwn.cymru