Opportunities & Events
Tendr Gwerthuso Evaluation Tender
Location: Wales | Start Date: February 2025
We are looking for a bilingual consultant with specific expertise in evaluating projects and in evaluation plan design, preferably in artistic/mental health settings. FMNCs’ vision is to bring joy and meaning back to the lives of those living with and alongside dementia through the power of song.
The Goleufa|Beacon project focuses on our delivery in social care settings where we have built strong partnerships but seek to grow and develop even further. The project centres upon a selection of our pan-Wales delivery in community, hospital and care home settings where Forget me-not Chorus run interactive singing sessions for people with dementia and their family members up to twice monthly. In these sessions, FMNC music leaders use song to connect with the participants in English and Welsh as appropriate. Evaluation Aims We will expect the evaluation report to evidence impact and effectiveness of delivering sessions bilingually as appropriate. We are open to an imaginative and innovative approach that will help you elicit feedback and responses from our participants. We would like the evaluation to show: A comprehensive literature review of the importance of participants with dementia being able to access services in their mother tongue Thorough investigation and analysis of the project to show the impact that participating in the interactive singing sessions in both Welsh and English has on participants with dementia and social care staff members We would also like the evaluation to provide recommendations on Best practices for bilingual delivery (Welsh/English) Unexplored opportunities for further development The Task To undertake an independent evaluation of the project: Designing an evaluation plan / approach that will enable you to undertake a thorough assessment of the project model Producing a bilingual detailed evaluation report that pulls together the key findings along with an assessment of the project's reach and impact on the individuals involved in the service. The reports should include recommendations that can inform the ongoing and future development of the project model Timeline We hope to engage a consultant in Autumn 2024 and would like the evaluation report completed by December 2025. Fee £5000 plus travel allowance for visiting FMNC sessions in South Wales, West Wales and North Wales (to be agreed). Essential skills: Demonstrable evaluation experience A varied toolkit of methods for data collection and impact assessment Fluent written and spoken Welsh Able to provide 2 references DBS check Desirable skills: Experience/interest in Arts in healthcare Knowledge of previous Arts in Health studies, with specific reference to music and its effect. Next steps Please present us with: a clear and concise proposal detailing how you plan to deliver the project (2 x A4 pages) evidence of relevant skills and knowledge and examples of relevant work Breakdown of how you would use the fee and an initial timeline E-mail: sarah@forgetmenotchorus.com Deadline 9.30am 10/01/2024 Shortlisted candidates will be invited to attend an interview online. Evaluation Tender | Tendr Gwerthuso Forget-me-not Chorus Goleufa | Beacon We are looking for a bilingual consultant with specific expertise in evaluating projects and in evaluation plan design, preferably in artistic / mental health settings. The Project Forget-me-not Chorus’ vision is to bring joy and meaning back into the lives of those living with and alongside dementia through the power of song. The Goleufa|Beacon project focuses on our delivery in social care settings where we have built strong partnerships but seek to grow and develop even further. The project centres upon a selection of our pan-Wales delivery in community, hospital and care home settings where Forget me-not Chorus run interactive singing sessions for people with dementia and their family members up to twice monthly. In these sessions, FMNC music leaders use song to connect with the participants in English and Welsh as appropriate. Evaluation Aims We will expect the evaluation report to evidence impact and effectiveness of delivering sessions bilingually as appropriate. We are open to an imaginative and innovative approach that will help you elicit feedback and responses from our participants. We would like the evaluation to show: A comprehensive literature review of the importance of participants with dementia being able to access services in their mother tongue Thorough investigation and analysis of the project to show the impact that participating in the interactive singing sessions in both Welsh and English has on participants with dementia and social care staff members We would also like the evaluation to provide recommendations on Best practices for bilingual delivery (Welsh/English) Unexplored opportunities for further development The Task To undertake an independent evaluation of the project: Designing an evaluation plan / approach that will enable you to undertake a thorough assessment of the project model Producing a bilingual detailed evaluation report that pulls together the key findings along with an assessment of the project's reach and impact on the individuals involved in the service. The reports should include recommendations that can inform the ongoing and future development of the project model Timeline We hope to engage a consultant in Autumn 2024 and would like the evaluation report completed by December 2025. Fee £5000 plus travel allowance for visiting FMNC sessions in South Wales, West Wales and North Wales (to be agreed). Essential skills: Demonstrable evaluation experience A varied toolkit of methods for data collection and impact assessment Fluent written and spoken Welsh Able to provide 2 references DBS check Desirable skills: Experience/interest in Arts in healthcare Knowledge of previous Arts in Health studies, with specific reference to music and its effect. Next steps Please present us with: a clear and concise proposal detailing how you plan to deliver the project (2 x A4 pages) evidence of relevant skills and knowledge and examples of relevant work Breakdown of how you would use the fee and an initial timeline E-mail: sarah@forgetmenotchorus.com Deadline 9.30am 10/01/2024 Shortlisted candidates will be invited to attend an interview online. ___ Rydym yn chwilio am ymgynghorydd dwyieithog sydd ag arbenigedd penodol mewn gwerthuso prosiectau a dylunio cynllun gwerthuso, yn ddelfrydol mewn lleoliadau iechyd artistig / meddyliol. Y Prosiect Gweledigaeth Forget-me-not Chorus yw dod â llawenydd ac ystyr yn ôl i fywydau'r rhai sy'n byw gyda dementia, ac ochr yn ochr â dementia, drwy rym canu. Mae prosiect Goleufa | Beacon yn canolbwyntio ar ein darpariaeth mewn lleoliadau gofal cymdeithasol lle rydym wedi adeiladu partneriaethau cryf ond yn ceisio tyfu a datblygu hyd yn oed ymhellach. Mae'r prosiect yn canolbwyntio ar ddetholiad o'n darpariaeth ledled Cymru, a hynny mewn lleoliadau cymunedol, ysbytai a chartrefi gofal lle mae Forget me-not Chorus yn cynnal sesiynau canu rhyngweithiol ar gyfer pobl â dementia ac aelodau o'u teulu hyd at ddwywaith y mis. Yn y sesiynau hyn, mae arweinwyr cerddoriaeth FMNC yn defnyddio canu i gysylltu â'r rhai sy’n cymryd rhan yn Gymraeg a Saesneg fel y bo'n briodol. Amcanion Gwerthuso Byddwn yn disgwyl i'r adroddiad gwerthuso ddangos effaith ac effeithiolrwydd cyflwyno sesiynau'n ddwyieithog fel y bo'n briodol. Rydym yn agored i ddull dychmygus ac arloesol a fydd yn eich helpu i gael adborth ac ymatebion gan ein cyfranogwyr. Hoffem i'r gwerthusiad ddangos: Adolygiad llenyddiaeth cynhwysfawr o bwysigrwydd cyfranogwyr â dementia yn gallu cyrchu gwasanaethau yn eu mamiaith Ymchwiliad a dadansoddiad trylwyr o'r prosiect i ddangos yr effaith y mae cymryd rhan yn y sesiynau canu rhyngweithiol yn Gymraeg a Saesneg yn ei chael ar gyfranogwyr gyda dementia ac aelodau staff gofal cymdeithasol Hoffem hefyd i'r gwerthusiad ddarparu argymhellion ar Arferion gorau ar gyfer darpariaeth ddwyieithog (Cymraeg/Saesneg) Cyfleoedd sydd heb eu harchwilio ar gyfer datblygiad pellach Y Gorchwyl Cynnal gwerthusiad annibynnol o'r prosiect: Creu cynllun gwerthuso / dull gweithredu a fydd yn eich galluogi i gynnal asesiad trylwyr o fodel y prosiect Cynhyrchu adroddiad gwerthuso manwl dwyieithog sy'n dwyn ynghyd y canfyddiadau allweddol ynghyd ag asesiad o gyrhaeddiad ac effaith y prosiect ar yr unigolion sy'n ymwneud â'r gwasanaeth. Dylai'r adroddiadau gynnwys argymhellion a all lywio datblygiad parhaus a dyfodol model y prosiect Llinell amser Rydym yn gobeithio trafod ag ymgynghorydd yn hydref 2024 a hoffem i'r adroddiad gwerthuso fod wedi’i gwblhau erbyn mis Rhagfyr 2025. Ffi £5000 yn ogystal â lwfans teithio ar gyfer ymweld â sesiynau FMNC yn ne Cymru, gorllewin Cymru a gogledd Cymru (i'w gytuno). Sgiliau hanfodol: Profiad amlwg o werthuso Pecyn cymorth amrywiol o ddulliau ar gyfer casglu data ac asesu effaith Cymraeg ysgrifenedig a llafar rhugl Yn gallu darparu 2 ganolwr Gwiriad DBS Sgiliau dymunol: Profiad/diddordeb yn y celfyddydau mewn gofal iechyd Gwybodaeth am astudiaethau blaenorol y Celfyddydau mewn Iechyd, gan gyfeirio'n benodol at gerddoriaeth a'i effaith. Y camau nesaf Cyflwynwch y canlynol i ni: cynnig clir a chryno sy'n manylu ar sut rydych chi'n bwriadu cyflawni'r prosiect (2 dudalen A4) tystiolaeth o sgiliau a gwybodaeth berthnasol ac enghreifftiau o waith perthnasol Dadansoddiad o sut byddech yn defnyddio'r ffi a llinell amser gychwynnol Dyddiau cau 9.30am 10/01/2024 E-bost: sarah@forgetmenotchorus.com Bydd ymgeiswyr ar y rhestr fer yn cael eu gwahodd i gyfweliad ar-lein.