Opportunities & Events
Research and Communications Assistant with Dr Daisy Fancourt UCL
Deadline 15th February for applications for Research and Communications Assistant to support the administration and communications activities for a large portfolio of research grants on social, cultural, and community engagement and health (with a strong focus on social prescribing), as well as coordinate activities for the new World Health Organisation Collaborating Centre on Arts & Health.
This will involve supporting with communications activities, research reports and policy briefings, events organisation, administrative and financial coordination, and supporting partnerships within the team and with external academics, health care and public health providers, patient and public groups, and community and voluntary organisations.
This post is funded for 12 months from March 2022 to March 2023 in the first instance. https://atsv7.wcn.co.uk/search_engine/jobs.cgi?amNvZGU9MTg4MTk3OSZ2dF90ZW1wbGF0ZT05NjUmb3duZXI9NTA0MTE3OCZvd25lcnR5cGU9ZmFpciZicmFuZF9pZD0wJmpvYl9yZWZfY29kZT0xODgxOTc5JnBvc3RpbmdfY29kZT0yMjQ%3D&jcode=1881979&vt_template=965&owner=5041178&ownertype=fair&brand_id=0&job_ref_code=1881979&posting_code=224