Opportunities & Events
Nature Workforce Wales, Survey 2025
We are undertaking a survey to try to understand the people, (roles, skills, qualifications, age profile, numbers etc) and the range of organisations that make up the ‘nature workforce’ in Wales. We have not yet specifically defined the ‘nature workforce’, because we do not yet know enough about the range of people, organisations and roles involved. We are asking you to decide. You may be full or part-time, paid or unpaid (volunteer), in the public, not for profit, academic, third or private sectors. If you think that you are contributing to conserve or restore nature, in a voluntary, or paid capacity, then please fill in the survey.
Welsh Ministers have recognised the nature emergency and are committed to protect and effectively manage 30% of the marine and 30% of the terrestrial environment in Wales by 2030. Those engaged in nature recovery, the so called ‘nature workforce’ are crucial to the delivery of this ambitious target.
But Welsh Government have limited information, so, we are undertaking a survey to try to understand the people, (roles, skills, qualifications, age profile, numbers etc) and the range of organisations that make up the ‘nature workforce’ in Wales. We have not yet specifically defined the ‘nature workforce’, because we do not yet know enough about the range of people, organisations and roles involved.
So, we are asking you to decide. You may be full or part-time, paid or unpaid (volunteer), in the public, not for profit, academic, third or private sectors.
If you think that you are contributing to conserve or restore nature, in a voluntary, or paid capacity, then please fill in the survey.
If you think you know others that may be of interest and it is appropriate to do so, please forward the link to them. As a result, you may receive the link on several occasions from different sources and we apologise in advance for this.
We ask that you only fill it in once, however many roles (paid and unpaid) you have.
At the end of the survey there will be an opportunity to voluntarily provide your contact details. You would be agreeing that you are willing for the Welsh Government to hold your contact details for the purpose of a stakeholder list of the ‘nature workforce’. We will use this to contact you about further work we are doing with, and for, the nature workforce e.g. training and development activity, surveys, information about development opportunities, nature workforce related events and activities etc. If you choose to provide your contact details for these purposes, you will be redirected to a separate form to provide your contact details and your permission.