Opportunities & Events

Literature Wales Poetry and Writing for Well-being course

Location: Tŷ Newydd Writing Centre | Start Date: 15/05/2023


Tutors: clare e. potter & Jill Teague Guest Reader: Patrick Jones 15-19 May 2023 How can writing and reading help our health and well-being? Poetry and words can help us explore our feelings, and communicate our deepest thoughts. https://www.tynewydd.wales/course/poetry-and-writing-for-well-bein


During this course, participants will embark on a process of reading and responding to poetry to encourage personal discovery, renewal and enjoyment. By engaging in writing for therapeutic purposes, participants will learn how to use this process as a tool for continued work on creative recovery. The tutors will offer a supportive, safe and creative space where participants can make meaning for themselves and find communality in the universal experiences we all share. There will also be the opportunity to spend time walking and writing in the beautiful natural environment around Tŷ Newydd to deepen your connection with nature – including your own – and to support your creativity and well-being. Jill and clare will provide materials though participants are invited to bring a favourite poem and an object that holds significance. The course welcomes both professional writers and people with no prior experience of either poetry or writing. This course is also suitable for practitioners interested in using their learning to help others, for example as facilitators of creative writing groups.
