Opportunities & Events
Invitation to Tender Arts and Health Evaluator for WNO Long Covid Programme
Location: Wales/Online | Start Date: November 2021 - Date TBA
Welsh National Opera is seeking tenders from suitably qualified individuals or organisations to conduct an evaluation of the Long Covid programme from the outset.
Evaluation of Welsh National Opera project working with people with Long Covid: Invitation to Tender 1. Introduction Welsh National Opera shares the power of live opera with audiences and communities across Wales and England – in theatres, in neighbourhoods and online. Over the last 5 years, WNO’s Programmes & Engagement department have been delivering a growing arts and health programme across different healthcare environments and community settings in Wales. Now, more than ever, we intend to be proactive as a national arts organisation to support the needs of our communities, particularly where health and wellbeing are concerned. We know that the arts have a particularly powerful contribution to make to a healthy, connected and engaged human life, and we intend to focus on this area as a major part of our programme as we emerge from the current health crisis. 2. Project context In 2021 Welsh National Opera were approached by a number of Welsh health boards to design a collaborative programme which meets the needs of Long Covid patients in Wales, with the hope to support physical rehabilitation, help towards restoring mental and emotional well-being, and reducing anxiety. This Autumn, the company will initially work with three health boards across Wales to develop a programme that draws on the singing and breathing techniques used by professional opera singers to reduce breathlessness and support participants in diaphragmatic breathing, equipping them with the tools to continue this work at home. Singing has been proven to have a positive impact on well-being and the programme aims to achieve both mental and physical benefits for those taking part. The aim is to then expand this scheme with more health boards across Wales in 2022. This programme has been awarded funding from Arts Council Wales. WNO are also working in consultation of the English National Opera and with the support of their original project ENO Breathe. 3. Project specification This is a yearlong online programme to be delivered over Zoom, with each course running 1 session per week over 6 weeks. It will begin with a pilot of 10 courses across 3 health boards in late Autumn. It will then be rolled out to the remaining 4 health boards across Wales, delivering up to 64 courses in total. 4. Evaluation brief Welsh National Opera is seeking tenders from suitably qualified individuals or organisations to conduct an evaluation of the Long Covid programme from the outset. WNO is committed to using an outcomes approach to evaluation based on the 5 Ways to Wellbeing framework. This will mean measuring physical, social, learning and personal outcomes for those taking part. We aim to collect data from participants, staff and music leaders to gain and compare a range of data and perspectives. A member of staff from each health board will also be attending each session to evaluate the programme from a medical perspective. The evaluator will support the evaluation process from planning to implementation as well as the collation and reporting of findings. There will be a requirement to support an interim review of the initial pilot programme in order to inform the wider roll out across Wales. The evaluator will be expected to attend and observe a sample of the online sessions. It is likely that evaluation will be more time intensive during and immediately following the pilot period (late Autumn – Winter 2021). Thereafter the evaluator will continue to monitor the progress of the programme roll-out and provide a final report of findings after a year of activity. The key findings of the final report will inform future programming of the company’s new Health and Wellbeing strand of work. Completion & submission of final evaluation: Date to be agreed, submission to be made after full year of activity. 5. Tender Requirements Applicants are required to include the following when submitting a tender: • Evidence of skills and knowledge relevant to evaluation in the arts and health sector • A short proposal on how you plan to deliver the project evaluation (a maximum of 2 pages) • Examples of relevant work and services Fee: We invite you to provide a quote as part of your submission. Short-listed candidates may be interviewed. Submission deadline: 9am on Monday 4th October 2021 via april.heade@wno.org.uk For further information, please contact April Heade (Programmes & Engagement Producer) at april.heade@wno.org.uk ----
Gwerthuso prosiect Opera Cenedlaethol Cymru yn gweithio gyda phobl sydd â Covid Hir: Gwahoddiad i Dendro 1. Cyflwyniad Mae Opera Cenedlaethol Cymru yn rhannu pŵer opera fyw gyda chynulleidfaoedd a chymunedau ar draws Cymru a Lloegr – mewn theatrau, mewn cymdogaethau ac ar-lein. Dros y pum mlynedd diwethaf, mae adran Rhaglenni ac Ymgysylltu WNO wedi bod yn cynnal rhaglen celfyddydau ac iechyd, gynyddol ar draws gwahanol amgylcheddau gofal iechyd a lleoliadau cymunedol yng Nghymru. Bwriadwn fod yn gorff celfyddydau cenedlaethol rhagweithiol nawr, yn fwy nag erioed, i gefnogi anghenion ein cymunedau, yn enwedig o safbwynt iechyd a llesiant. Gwyddom fod gan y celfyddydau gyfraniad hynod bwerus i’w wneud i fywyd iach, cysylltiedig a difyr, a’n bwriad yw canolbwyntio ar y maes hwn fel rhan bwysig o’n rhaglen wrth i ni ddod allan o’r argyfwng iechyd presennol. 2. Cyd-destun y Prosiect Yn 2021, daeth nifer o fyrddau iechyd ar alw Opera Cenedlaethol Cymru i lunio rhaglen gydweithredol a fyddai’n bodloni anghenion cleifion yng Nghymru sydd â Covid Hir. Y gobaith oedd cefnogi cleifion gyda’u hadsefydlu corfforol, helpu i wella’u llesiant meddyliol ac emosiynol, a lleihau eu gorbryder. Yr Hydref hwn, bydd y cwmni yn gweithio i ddechrau gyda thri bwrdd iechyd ar draws Cymru i ddatblygu rhaglen sy’n tynnu ar y technegau canu ac anadlu y mae cantorion opera proffesiynol yn eu defnyddio i’w helpu rhag colli’u hanadl ac yn cefnogi aelodau gyda thechnegau anadlu ‘diaffragmatig’, gan roi’r adnoddau iddynt ddal ati gyda’r gwaith hwn gartref. Gwelwyd bod canu yn cael effaith dda ar lesiant a bwriad y rhaglen yw i’r rheiny sy’n cymryd rhan elwa’n feddyliol ac yn gorfforol. Y nod wedyn yw ymestyn y cynllun i fwy o fyrddau iechyd ar draws Cymru yn 2022. Cafwyd arian gan Gyngor Celfyddydau Cymru ar gyfer y rhaglen. Mae WNO hefyd yn gweithio mewn ymgynghoriad ag English National Opera a chyda chymorth eu prosiect gwreiddiol, ENO Breathe. 3. Manyleb y Prosiect Cynhelir y rhaglen ar-lein dros Zoom am gyfnod o flwyddyn. Ar gyfer pob cwrs, cynhelir un sesiwn yr wythnos dros chwe wythnos. Bydd peilot o ddeg cwrs ar draws tri bwrdd iechyd i gychwyn, yn hwyr yn yr Hydref. Yna ymestynnir y rhaglen i’r pedwar bwrdd iechyd arall yng Nghymru, sef cyfanswm o hyd at 64 cwrs i gyd. 4. Briff y Gwerthusiad Mae Opera Cenedlaethol Cymru yn gwahodd tendrau gan unigolion neu sefydliadau sydd â chymwysterau addas i werthuso’r rhaglen Covid Hir o’r cychwyn un. Mae WNO wedi ymrwymo i ddefnyddio dull gwerthuso ar sail deilliannau, gan ddilyn y Fframwaith Pum Ffordd at Lesiant. Bydd hyn yn golygu mesur deilliannau corfforol, cymdeithasol, dysgu a phersonol i’r rheiny sy’n cymryd rhan. Bwriadwn gasglu data gan yr aelodau, y staff a’r arweinwyr cerdd er mwyn cael ystod o ddata a safbwyntiau i’w cymharu. Bydd aelod staff o bob bwrdd iechyd hefyd yn bresennol ym mhob sesiwn i werthuso’r rhaglen o safbwynt meddygol. Bydd y gwerthuswr yn cefnogi’r broses werthuso o’r cynllunio hyd at y gweithredu yn ogystal â’r gwaith casglu ac adrodd ar ganfyddiadau. Bydd gofyniad i gefnogi adolygiad interim o’r rhaglen beilot gychwynnol er mwyn rhoi gwybodaeth ar gyfer ymestyn y rhaglen ar draws Cymru. Disgwylir i’r gwerthuswr fod yn bresennol mewn sampl o’r sesiynau ar-lein ac i’w harsylwi. Mae’n debygol y bydd y gwerthuso yn fwy o faich o ran amser yn ystod y cyfnod peilot ei hun ac yn syth wedyn (diwedd Hydref – Gaeaf 2021). Wedi hynny, bydd y gwerthuswr yn parhau i fonitro cynnydd y rhaglen ehangach ac yn darparu adroddiad terfynol ar y canfyddiadau ar ôl blwyddyn o weithgarwch. Bydd canfyddiadau allweddol yr adroddiad terfynol yn cyfrannu at raglennu ffrwd waith newydd Iechyd a Llesiant y cwmni maes o law. Cwblhau a chyflwyno’r gwerthusiad terfynol: Dyddiad i’w gytuno, a chyflwyno ar ôl blwyddyn gyfan o weithgarwch. 5. Gofynion Tendro Wrth gyflwyno tendr, gofynnir i ymgeiswyr gynnwys y canlynol: • Tystiolaeth o sgiliau a gwybodaeth sy’n berthnasol i werthuso yn y celfyddydau a’r sector iechyd • Cynnig byr o ran sut rydych chi’n bwriadu gwerthuso’r prosiect (dim mwy na dwy dudalen) • Enghreifftiau o waith a gwasanaethau perthnasol Ffi: Fe’ch gwahoddwn i roi dyfynbris yn eich cais. Efallai y caiff ymgeiswyr ar y rhestr fer eu cyfweld. Dyddiad cau ceisiadau: Dydd Llyn 4 Hydref 9am drwy law april.heade@wno.org.uk Am fwy o wybodaeth, cysylltwch ag April Heade (Cynhyrchydd Rhaglenni ac Ymgysylltu) - april.heade@wno.org.uk