WAHWN Members List

Wendy Keay-Bright

Creative Practitioners | Location: South East Wales

Area of Art: Visual Art, Installation Art, Audio Video, Digital, Animation

I am a designer with over two decades of experience in the area of interaction, animation and moving image design, including teaching, research and development, project management, knowledge transfer and public engagement.

Anne Brierley

Anne Brierley

Area of Art: Visual Art, Participatory Art, Painting, Mixed Media

I am a painter/ printmaker working with the public as a facilitator and tutor in healthcare settings. I have made pieces of public art in healthcare settings too alone and in collaboration with other creatives.

Sarah Argent

Sarah Argent

Creative Practitioners | Location: South East Wales

Area of Art: Theatre

I am a freelance theatre-maker based in Cardiff - a director, writer, deviser, mentor - specialising in theatre for the very young from babies as young as 3 months. My work recognises and respects the emotional intelligence of even the youngest audience members.

Theatr Cynefin

Theatr Cynefin

Arts Organisation Representative | Location: North East Wales, North West Wales, Mid Wales, South East Wales, South West Wales

We are an applied participative arts organisation that has pioneered a methodology of working with communities, called Sensory Labyrinth Theatre (slt). With projects throughout Europe, in partnership with diverse people of all ages and abilities.

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