Case Study: Remote Choir / Côr Pellenig
Authors(s), Creator(s) and Contributors: Rowan Matthiessen (Span Arts), N/A
Publication Date: 25/02/2019
Categories: Case Studies
Supporter(s)/Funder(s): Supported by Stroke Association, Alzheimer's Society, Solva Care, Age Cymru, PAVS, Pembrokeshire People First, Narberth Living Memories Group, various care homes. Funded by PAVS CCIG and Big Lottery
Singing, technology and connection in Pembrokeshire
The project was developed in response to the increase in chronic and severe loneliness experienced by older people in the UK and a higher than average elderly population, rural isolation and poor connectivity in the County to:
- Reduce loneliness and isolation
- Improve mental/physical health and wellbeing
- Improve confidence, skills, and memory
- Increase community connection
130 people were included, 10 of whom were housebound. Health conditions included dementia, autism, COPD, diabetes, multiple sclerosis, ME and depression.
Through 40 1:2:1 sessions and 2 celebration events the project met its aims and was described as “life-changing”, “important”, “positive”.
People experienced measurable increases in:
- Wellbeing
- Quality of life
- Digital skills
- Community connections
- Feelings of worth
- Confidence in singing
The project cost £7,000 equivalent to just over £50 per head. Link to film: (password: Span2018)
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Tags: Loneliness, Art, Singing, Digital, Technology, Rural, Pembrokeshire, West Wales