Case Study: Dementia and Imagination
Authors(s), Creator(s) and Contributors: Gill Windle
Publication Date: 29/04/2019
Categories: Case Studies
Supporter(s)/Funder(s): AHRC and ESRC
Dementia and Imagination explored how art can contribute to the creation of dementia friendly communities. Our programme of work examined how art activities:
- Are beneficial to people living with dementia and those who care for them.
- Help us understand the experience of living with dementia.
- Help raise public awareness of living with dementia.
Rationale: Research reviews highlight methodological limitations and gaps in the evidence base for the arts in dementia care. In response, we developed a 12-week visual art program and evaluated the impact on people living with dementia through a mixed-methods longitudinal investigation. It can be difficult to demonstrate the value of arts activities, as the benefits are hard to assign a numerical value to, and can be short term rather than long term. To explore the economic impact of the art groups, a type of analysis called Social Return on Investment (SROI) was used.