Writing Tree Project
Authors(s), Creator(s) and Contributors: GWYN LEWIS & DR SARAH DOUGLASS
Publication Date: 30/11/2022
Categories: Evaluation / Reports, Featured
Supporter(s)/Funder(s): Natural Resources Wales
Partner(s): Natural Resources Wales, Literature Wales
Evaluation and Handbook
In March 2022 Literature Wales, in partnership with Natural Resources Wales, invited expressions of interest from writers and creative facilitators to devise and deliver a creative writing project which explored the connection between literature, well-being, and the natural environment. https://www.literaturewales.org/our-projects/lwcommissions/literature-wales-writer-commissions-4/
We believe that literature has the power to improve and transform lives. We all know being in nature is good for our mental well-being and immersing ourselves in the great outdoors and writing about its wonders can also help us emotionally. As our concerns about the climate emergency and the pandemic grow, many of us have been enjoying our natural environment more than ever before.
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Tags: health, literature, arts, wellbeing, nature, environment, writing, evaluation, natural resources wales, literature Wales