CVUHB Space to Grow Evaluation
Authors(s), Creator(s) and Contributors: Kate Denner, Down to Earth, CVUHB
Publication Date: 02/07/2024
Categories: Evaluation / Reports
Funder(s): Arts Council Wales
Part Two evaluation
A Space to Grow project is a social prescribing and arts on prescription initiative which ran from May 2023 to April 2024. The project was created and managed by Cardiff & Vale Health Charity (CVHC) in partnership with Arts for Health and Wellbeing and made possible through Arts Council of Wales funding. This report evaluates the project’s success at achieving its stated aims and objectives, share findings derived from the delivery of the project and recommendations for this initiative going forward. This report represents part 1 of 2 of the Evaluation report and focuses upon those programmes delivered by Cardiff & Vale Health Charity (CVHC). Part 2 of the report features those programmes delivered for the project by Urban-Vertical (UV).
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Tags: Down to Earth, Urban-Vertical CIC, CVUHB, health, arts, wellbeing