Prosiect Hinsawdd Climate Project

Authors(s), Creator(s) and Contributors: Bethan Page, Lowri Page , Lowri Page

Publication Date: 01/09/2023

Categories: Audio / Video

Supporter(s)/Funder(s): Fun Palaces,, Community Fund Lottery

Partner(s): National Trust Cymru and Menter Iaith Maldwyn

Funder(s): National Trust Cymru

Climate Project


The Climate Project pilot phase was an opportunity for bilingual young people from rural North Powys to socialise, to be creative and to look after their wellbeing through climate themed events and activities.

The Prosiect Hinsawdd (Climate Project) was a partnership between National Trust Cymru, Fun Palaces and Menter Maldwyn, and was led by the Creative Producer Bethan Page. The project developed following a consultation with pupils from Ysgol Llanfyllin and members of the local community to discover how, where and with whom yound people wanted to participate in creative and cultural events following the Covid pandemic. The response was to create a project that combined creativity, wellbeing and climate and which supported the young people to develop leadership skills so that they could plan and deliver their own events.  One of the main aims of the project was to try and lessen feelings of climate anxiety by supporting the group to take positive steps by sharing climate messages using creative methods with the local community.

Roedd y Prosiect Hinsawdd yn bartneriaeth rhwng National Trust Cymru, Fun Palaces a Menter Maldwyn, ac wedi ei arwain gan y cynhyrchydd creadigol Bethan Page. Datblygwyd y prosiect yn dilyn ymgynghoriad hefo disgyblion Ysgol Llanfyllin ac aelodau'r gymuned leol i ddarganfod sut, lle a hefo pwy roedd pobl ifanc eisiau cymryd rhan mewn digwyddiadau creadigol a diwylliannol yn dilyn cyfnod Covid. Ymatebwyd drwy greu prosiect oedd yn cyfuno creadigrwydd, lles a'r hinsawdd oedd hefyd yn cefnogi'r bobl ifanc i ddatblygu sgiliau arweinyddiaeth, fel eu bod nhw'n gallu cynllunio ac arwain eu digwyddiadau eu hunain.  Un o brif amcanion y prosiect oedd i geisio lleihau pryder am yr hinsawdd gan gefnogi'r grŵp i gymryd camau cadarnhaol drwy rannu negeseuon am yr hinsawdd mewn dulliau creadigol hefo'r gymuned leol.

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Tags: health, arts, nature, climate, young people, climate anxiety, wellbeing, outdoors

Prosiect Hinsawdd Climate Project