Case Study: Move To Health from prevention to recovery

Authors(s), Creator(s) and Contributors: Sharon Teear, Development Co-ordinator, Rubicon Dance

Publication Date: 27/09/2024

Categories: Case Studies

Partner(s): Rubicon Dance and Cardiff and Vale University Health Board

Funder(s): ACW Arts, Health and Wellbeing lottery Grant PROP Fund -Supporting Brain Injury Rehab- Health Charity CAVUHB BBC Now Orchestra of Wales (provide support in kind in accompanying some 3 of our sessions with live music on a monthly basis)


Between September 2023– July 2024 Rubicon worked in Partnership with The Arts Health and Wellbeing Team CAVUHB on the Move to Health programme. We explored the outcomes of providing 530 accessible, adaptable and timely movement sessions to support people in various stages of their health journey. We worked in a variety of hospital and community settings and developed a more interconnected programme. Sessions were facilitated by highly experienced dance leaders, supported by health professionals, third sector organisations and people with lived experience. We evaluated our growth , impact, successes, challenges and what we need to embed, sustain and grow and shared this with the wider health and arts sector.

The Challenge

Guided by the Welsh NHS Social Prescribing Framework we aimed to reduce health inequalities, supporting the wellbeing of vulnerable groups in their community. By promoting prevention we hoped to ease the burden on healthcare services. In aiding recovery in hospitals and ensuring sustained support upon discharge we aimed to help prevent deconditioning, deterioration, and the cycle of readmission. By working in co-production, addressing the gaps in support, establishing clearer pathways between the hospital and community we could provide movement sessions at the right time and place supporting the CAVUHB Shaping Our Future Wellbeing strategy. Due to increased demand for arts in health work we wanted to evaluate our practice to inform our future progress and help the wider sector.

The Approach

The 11 month programme costed c £63K. We were supported by our partners and participants who were involved in every stage of the programme. An exhibition was held at the Hearth Gallery in UHL. Supervision was provided by coordinators and our partners ensuring the wellbeing of dance leaders were considered throughout. We received an Arts & Business Award for our work in partnership with the Health Charity CAVUHB and also developed new partnerships and coproduction groups within the third sector & CAVUHB services. Rub by 5 experienced dance leaders/coordinators The 530 sessions included:- 6 community programmes 10 weekly hospital programmes, across 5 clinical boards , over 19 wards (within MHSOP/Integrated Medicine/Neuropsychiatry/ Brain injury/ Children's Hospital /SRC) 2 Staff wellbeing sessions 4 Tasters and awareness events Attendances: 3181 participant attendances 908 health professional attendances 252 volunteers/partner attendances Total of 4341 attendances 80 people attended exhibition stakeholder event Additional footfall of c1575 during exhibition. Total of 5996 attendances

The Impact

We gathered qualitative and quantitative evidence to demonstrate impact including interviews, observations, participant stories, evaluations, logs, round table discussions, dementia mapping and mood scores. Sessions aided recovery by increasing the physical and mental wellbeing of patients. “The impact on patients is profound. It is tangible.” NHS staff. By providing innovative sessions and establishing strong referral pathways we could support people in their health journey “When I was in the hospital it helped very much so then I wanted to continue.” Patient and community participant. Evidence showed positive impacts on mental & physical wellbeing:- Such as reduced levels of stress and improved mood/inclusivity/memory/confidence/motivation/fun/socialisation/agency/activity, fitness levels,/mobility/ balance/ strength/coordination/falls prevention etc “...To hold this level of engagement and positive mood at such high levels is unparalleled.” Dementia mapping MHSOP We evaluated the impact on all stakeholders, evaluated the growth of the work and models of best practice to inform future progress. We shared our evaluations at an exhibition event with a live demo, presentations, guest speakers, case studies, posters and clinical evidence, photos and a film.

Lessons Learned

SUCCESSES: Sustainable funding Getting the set up right Strong partnerships Coproduction Adaptive and experienced workforce Inclusivity Creating pathways, supporting people at various stages Use of models & best practice to inform future work growth CHALLENGES: Capacity issues for NHS staff Staff/patient mobility Barriers to access – locality/transport/cost/confidence/perception Fragmented services/referral pathways aren’t fully established A desire to address these challenges can help to make a programme thrive.

The Legacy

The programme evidenced the benefits of a multi-facetted approach, involving arts organisations, people with lived experience, third sector and CAVUHB working together in coproduction to improve services for the future. Knowledge accrued will influence how we continue to build a more interconnected health programme & will be shared with others to support growth of the arts in the health sector. “Staff can see the difference it makes & now it must be demonstrated to more people across the clinical boards and areas". NHS Staff member

Website and Social Media Links Documentary Film Sue Burns Evaluation Reports (including case studies)*

Contact Details

Sharon Teear -

Tags: #dance #movement #health #long term conditions #hospital #community #social prescribing #coproduction #pathways

Move To Health from prevention to recovery