Case Study: Creativity for Health and Wellbeing 2024
Authors(s), Creator(s) and Contributors: Bryony Harris, Learning, Community and Partnerships Manager - Arts Active
Publication Date: 21/02/2025
Categories: Case Studies
Partner(s): GGLL Better Leisure and Cardiff and Vale University Hospital Health Board are partners
Funder(s): Arts Council of Wales, Arts Active Trust, GLL Better Leisure Centres
The Get Moving & Get Creative sessions are open to anyone referred to their Cardiff Better Leisure centre by their GP, the sessions are aimed primarily at those over 60s facing physical health challenges and or social isolation. Get Moving are dance based movement sessions with a focus on mobility, balance and muscle strengthening. Get Creative offers visual arts and crafts activities, emphasising self-expression, creativity, wellbeing and mindfulness. The programme aims to complement the existing GP referral scheme offering creativity as a support for health and wellbeing alongside physical activity. Sessions foster emotional resilience, encourage community connection, and celebrate participants' voices. The project is delivered in partnership led by the Arts Active Trust.
The Challenge
This project targets two key challenges among older adults: mobility issues and loneliness. Through a strong partnership, we combine expertise in health, wellbeing, and creative engagement to address these challenges. Age UK reports that chronic loneliness increases the risk of conditions such as diabetes, heart disease, stroke, depression, and dementia. In tandem with this mobility issues can add to the sense of isolation as well as creating daily physical challenges to independence and health. By offering inclusive, social, and creative sessions, this programme promotes physical health, emotional resilience, and meaningful social connections, improving overall wellbeing The sessions offer a welcome to all and are a safe space with no pressure to compete or achieve.
The Approach
This project ran throughout 2024 delivering health and wellbeing interventions in welcoming venues close to participants’ homes, offering a more social and supportive environment than hospitals or health centres. Participants are referred by their GP for tailored sessions addressing diverse health needs, including pain management, orthopaedic rehabilitation, cancer recovery, long COVID and social isolation. Beyond the initial referral, the Better Leisure and NHS teams support participants’ transition to other regular activities including this creative programme to promote physical and mental wellbeing and foster healthy habits. Get Moving: Led by a team of 4 dance practitioners. Eastern, Llanishen & Pentwyn Leisure Centres Spring, Summer and Autumn Sessions 84 Engagements 612 Get Creative: led by artist Emma Prentice are introduced to participants in relaxed, social spaces helping reduce anxiety, alleviate loneliness, and improve mental wellbeing. Llanishen & Pentwyn Leisure Centres Summer and Autumn Sessions 44 Engagements 308 The full project budget was £40,110 The creative team participated in 5 training and reflection sessions supporting the programme’s development. Evaluation was carried out throughout the project by the project team.
The Impact
Evaluation was carried out in conversations with participants discussing questions relative to the programme. Participants rated their improvement in various areas from 1 (lowest) to 5 (highest). Below are the average ratings of each criteria Get Moving - Physical and Emotional wellbeing impacts Balance Improvement: 3.86 Mobility: 4.14 Muscle Strength: 4.00 Stamina: 4.00 Lifting Mood: 4.71 Meeting New People: 4.71 Learning New Skills: 4.00 Reigniting Old Hobbies: 3.86 Get Creative - Emotional Wellbeing and creativity impacts Lifting Mood: 4.86 Anxiety Reduction: 4.14 Meeting New People: 5.00 Self expression: 4.71 Awareness of Wellbeing: 4.57 Relaxation: 4.71 Learning New Skills: 4.86 Reigniting Old Hobbies: 3.86 The program’s strongest outcomes are in mood enhancement and social inclusion; the sessions consistently lifted participants’ moods and reduced anxiety, making them a valuable tool for emotional support. Meeting new people received unanimous praise, emphasising the programme’s success in building a sense of community. High ratings for self-expression, relaxation, and skill-building show sessions provide a mix of creativity and calm. Significant improvements in mobility, strength, and stamina reinforce Get Moving’s effectiveness for physical health.
Lessons Learned
We learnt that consistency of delivery is significant in building participation and the community. Breaks in delivery due to funding ending etc result in the process of building back take up of the programme having to start afresh this was an initial challenge. Word of mouth proved to be the most impactful means of developing groups amongst each centre's community of GP referred members but it takes time. We want to increase diversity in the participant cohort and this is a recognised challenge for the GP referral scheme as a whole.
The Legacy
The programme is achieving significant positive outcomes in physical, mental, and social domains. Currently we are continuing the work with support from our own and partners funds. We plan to expand the activity to Western Leisure centre in Ely if funding is available. In addition we are looking to trial similar sessions in Care Homes. Finally we have been approached by the Active Families Active lives team in Cardiff and hope to develop a similar programme of activities to support the young people and families with whom they work.
Website and Social Media Links
Contact Details
Bryony Harris Arts Active Trust
Tags: Visual Arts, Dance, Movement, Mobility, Balance and fall prevention, Loneliness, Bereavement, Leisure Centres, GP referral, Over 60s, Rehabilitation from injury Rehabilitation from surgery