Case Study: Creative Home Delivery service

Authors(s), Creator(s) and Contributors: Eleanor Shaw, Founder & Chief Executive Officer, PeopleSpeakUp LTD

Publication Date: 22/08/2024

Categories: Case Studies

Partner(s): People Speak Up - Design, delivery, evaluation CCC HDUHB Referral agencies: Age cymru Dyfed Connecting Carmarthenshire Social prescribers

Funder(s): Arts Council Of Wales, Carmarthenshire County Council, Pobl, Nacros


CHDS is an arts and health home delivery service for older people who are feeling lonely and isolated. The project focuses on improving mental health, wellbeing and reducing loneliness and isolation by providing creative activities at home and with groups in care home settings across Carmarthenshire. Weekly home visits are made by PSU facilitators and joined fortnightly by an artist, specialising in a specific art form. Participants are supported to attend creative sessions at The Ffwrnes Fach, Llanelli's Arts and Health Hub and The Nurture Centre in Carmarthen. An exhibition was held at the end of the project to bring all artists, creative facilitators, participants and families together to share and celebrate creations and to connect with each other.

The Challenge

Over the past 2 years PSU have been developing ways in which their arts and health activities could be delivered at people’s homes; Stories on Prescription, Creative Friendships on Prescription and Virtual Day Centre. All of these projects were in partnership with CCC & HDUHB, by working together it was evident that older people living in isolation needed support with connection, mental health and wellbeing through a preventative intervention. Creative home delivery service was created to meet these needs, to develop an arts & health service delivered by artists and creative facilitators. Through referrals from social prescribers, Age Cymru Dyfed, and Alzheimer’s Society

The Approach

Project Delivery took place from October 2023 to March 2024.

• Home visits duration – 1 Hour/ weekly

• Care home sessions - 2 hours/ weekly

• 12 artists specialising in visual arts, spoken word, creative writing, wire work, singing, music, movement and ceramics.

The project delivered the following outputs:


Home visits:

• 475 Home visits were carried out throughout the project

• A total of 28 individual participants benefitted from home visits

• Total attendance numbers 475 Care Home Sessions:

• 27 sessions were carried out at care homes

• A total of 20 individual participants benefitted from care home activities

• Total attendance numbers 272

Total project figures:

• A total of 502 sessions were carried out across the project

• A total of 48 individual participants benefitted from the CHDS project

• Total attendance numbers across all project activities 747

• 15 group sessions at Ffwrnes Fach were attended by CHDS participants

• 1 exhibition / celebration day


Budget: Project Cost: £88,334 ( Artists, PSU Facilitators, Travel, Resources, Wellbeing coach for Team, Venue Hire, Evaluation, Film, PSU management & Admin) ACW: £50,000 CCC: £25,000 PSU: £13,334

The Impact

CHDS used the following evaluation methods:

• Participant check-ins from a member of PSU at various points in the project.

• Participants and carer wellbeing scores taken using the ‘Well-being Numerical Rating Scale (WB-NRSs)’ at the beginning and end of the project (aimed at measuring progress against key outcome indicators).

• Artist and facilitator reflective diaries.

• Most Significant Change (MSC) – a qualitative approach that collects and uses participant stories of change for group reflection and learning.

• Causal mapping – an Artificial Intelligence (AI) generated map of causal links between project activities and outcomes using MSC story transcripts.

Summary of key findings:

• An overall improvement in Mental health and wellbeing

• Personal growth

• Community dynamics (engagement, involvement and social connection)

• The role of creative endeavors

• The professional development of artists

• People Speak Up’s wider engagement


It has enhanced my relationship with my wife because it gives us a break from each other, and we both know that we are being supported by a fantastic team at People Speak Up.” – Participant

Lessons Learned

The MSC approach enhances evaluation - it creates time for all involved to discuss learnings at a deep level. PSU also held a day for all of the creative team to come together to reflect: Take all our learnings and implement them in the next phase.

The Legacy

Seeing mum excited and happy about a creative endeavor has been wonderful. It is a positive thing that we can talk about when she has lost so much to her illness. Witnessing the positive effects on her makes me feel happier and less stressed.

It has been a lifeline for me.

PSU will continue to work with Public and health boards to grow this much needed service!

Website and Social Media Links

Contact Details

Eleanor Shaw Founder/ Artistic & Business Director 

Tags: Singing Movements Arts Crafts Music Poetry Spoken Word Storytelling

Creative Home Delivery service