Case Study: Creative Care Homes
Authors(s), Creator(s) and Contributors: Sian Fitzgerald, Jo McGregor
Publication Date: 23/01/2020
Categories: Case Studies
Supporter(s)/Funder(s): Comic Relief
Creative Care Homes in Denbighshire was a Comic Relief-funded project that ran between May 2018 – December 2019. The project was designed to upskill care staff, improve the well-being (both mental and physical) of care home residents and help care homes integrate more with their local communities and schools. Following training sessions for care staff, skilled practitioners spent 18 months attending the care homes twice monthly to deliver targeted music, dance/movement and visual art sessions. Outcomes were overwhelmingly positive, with care homes reporting a positive effect on residents.
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Tags: arts, health, wellbeing, care homes, dance, craft, quality of life