Case Study: A Brief History of Healing

Authors(s), Creator(s) and Contributors: Gail Howard, Arcade Campfa, Cardiff & Vale UHB

Publication Date: 01/04/2020

Categories: Case Studies

Supporter(s)/Funder(s): Arts Council of Wales, Cardiff & Vale UHB, Arcade Campfa

Arcade Campfa and Llandough Hospital


A Brief History of Healing delivered a total of thirty creatively engaging arts-based workshops. A cross-site exhibition was curated of all the artwork created and exhibited at ArcadeCampfa and the Hearth. The exhibition at the Hearth attracted over 600 visitors, and at ArcadeCampfa over 400. The project involved patients, staff and visitors in creative activity and in a debate about health and wellbeing and the therapeutic value of making art particularly in relation to mental well-being.

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Tags: mental health, arts, wellbeing, health

A Brief History of Healing